From the bottom of that first picture you posted,It's you who are making the assertion that transwomen are somehow magically different from other biological men. It's really up to you to prove that hypothesis surely? It should be you who has to prove why we should treat them differently from other men, in regards to prisons or anywhere else.
The onus should be on you, but regardless here's the Swedish study (again) that shows male to female transgender people offend at higher rates than their birth sex control group. Also concludes that surgery does not seem to make trans people happier.
View attachment 3751
The UK prison stats give us a bit of a picture for here, albeit an incomplete one. This is from the court ruling that you yourself posted earlier:
View attachment 3756
81 out of 163 is 49%. So 49% of transgender prisoners were sex offenders.
View attachment 3755
Whereas the usual % of males serving sentences for sex offences is 20%.
I have no trouble whatsoever in saying that I don't think all these offenders are genuinely body/gender dysphoric. I think they are gaming the system to get a softer time in jail.
Similar outcome in Canada, which has self ID.
View attachment 3757
If you are going to say that 'You are who you say you are' and accept every man who says he is a woman, I think you have to accept that the available data shows that (those who claim to be) transwomen offend at least at a similar rate to other biological men.
You need to make a good case for why they should be treated differently from other biological males. I don't think you have so far.
"Female-to-males, but not male-to-females, had a higher risk for criminal convictions than their respective birth sex controls.".