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qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
Thanks for cowsplaining that. I think we've noticed that you can only see in black and white.

And for those watching in black and white, the yellow and unassuming transsexuals are tucked up on the baulk cushion tight behind the flamboyant pink drag queens. To pot the gays and develop the transsexuals, the fascists will need to play this with a lot of right hand side and hope for a friendly kiss off the queens..


And once those have been dealt with, the table will be set up nicely to attend to the black.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
That depends.

The GC position is one of cast-iron singularity. Refusal to accept that 'woman' or 'man' might, can, or could mean slightly different things in different contexts ie. in law, socially, biologically etc.

The trans rights/anti-bigot position is to accept these nuances.

Every comment depends. That's the essence of nuance.

Can someone who believes that people identifying as (or being) transgender should be able to live their lives like any cis gender person, at the same time as believing that there are important issues around the margins of the debate such as sport, single-sex spaces that need to be resolved to the satisfaction of all those directly affected. Can one be GC if they believe that there are just two biological sexes but accept the difference between sex and gender? Imo the fear of being labelled transphobic because they don't sign up unquestioningly to every "right" demanded by some in the transgender lobby, puts many people off joining in the debate.

As it is too many posters on this thread, on both sides, tend to highlight the actions of the most extreme supporters of the trans or GC lobbies as evidence for their criticisms of the other side, as if there are not millions of people with less extreme views.


Reading around the chip
Every comment depends. That's the essence of nuance.

Can someone who believes that people identifying as (or being) transgender should be able to live their lives like any cis gender person, at the same time as believing that there are important issues around the margins of the debate such as sport, single-sex spaces that need to be resolved to the satisfaction of all those directly affected. Can one be GC if they believe that there are just two biological sexes but accept the difference between sex and gender? Imo the fear of being labelled transphobic because they don't sign up unquestioningly to every "right" demanded by some in the transgender lobby, puts many people off joining in the debate.

As it is too many posters on this thread, on both sides, tend to highlight the actions of the most extreme supporters of the trans or GC lobbies as evidence for their criticisms of the other side, as if there are not millions of people with less extreme views.

What, in your view, has led to the targeting of drag queens? It's now impossible to book a man in a glittery frock to read stories to kids (in a public setting, with their parents present) without a barrage of protest and abuse.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
What, in your view, has led to the targeting of drag queens? It's now impossible to book a man in a glittery frock to read stories to kids (in a public setting, with their parents present) without a barrage of protest and abuse.

Probably not unrelated to the transgender issue.

Bigots don't need logic to be bigots.

It's a long time since I knew anything about kids' group story telling, but when did Drag Queen story-telling become a thing?


I'll take your word for it. I must have missed the subtle nuances.

You don't have to take my word for it. You can produce evidence for your assertion, rather than just making it. Not your style, though, I know


What assertion? It was an opinion. There is a difference, tit. (That's not an insult btw, just shortening your username).

You made an assertion. Maybe learn the meaning of words before trying to be a smart arse, Anus Stir. (That's not an insult btw, just making an anagram out of your username)
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
Opinion requires evidence, assertion doesn't. Thus you made an assertion. Maybe learn the meaning of words before trying to be a smart arse, Anus Stir. (That's not an insult btw, just making an anagram out of your username)

It is my opinion that Ed Shearen is vastly over-rated and writes dirgy, miserable songs. That requires no evidence as I am not trying to change anyone else's opinion.

Assertion is just a more forceful statement of a belief or opinion

Neither is stated as a fact so neither require evidence.

The thread is there for everyone to have their own opinions about it, as they will about who is trying to be a smartarse.

A desperate, derivative insult, and a pretty weak anagram which has missed out two letters.


As it is too many posters on this thread, on both sides, tend to highlight the actions of the most extreme supporters of the trans or GC lobbies as evidence for their criticisms of the other side, as if there are not millions of people with less extreme views.

There is nothing equivocal about this statement. It isn't prefaced with "I think that", or "it seems to me that". Thus, it is a forceful assertion.

As to the anagram, weak or otherwise, its an accurate descriptor of somebody who makes no evidenced contribution to the thread, ever, but merely turns up with bloviated pomposity, has nothing to say but says it very loudly.
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
There is nothing equivocal about this statement. It isn't prefaced with "I think that", or "it seems to me that". Thus, it is a forceful assertion.

As to the anagram, weak or otherwise, its an accurate descriptor of somebody who makes no evidenced contribution to the thread, ever, but merely turns up with bloviated pomposity, has nothing to say but says it very loudly.

Warning: unless specifically said otherwise everything I post on this forum is an opinion...even when not prefaced with imo for the hard of understanding.

As to the rest of your post, tit, you are entitled to your opinion.


Legendary Member
It is my opinion that Ed Shearen is vastly over-rated and writes dirgy, miserable songs. That requires no evidence as I am not trying to change anyone else's opinion.

Assertion is just a more forceful statement of a belief or opinion

Neither is stated as a fact so neither require evidence.

The thread is there for everyone to have their own opinions about it, as they will about who is trying to be a smartarse.

A desperate, derivative insult, and a pretty weak anagram which has missed out two letters.

My problem with this thread is the lack of authenticity in discussion. It feels like each time I post, my words are twisted to mean something else, and even things I haven't said at all, are assumed to be my views - mostly the assumptions are incorrect. With such a level of dishonesty, fruitful discussion is all but impossible.

As I had said early on after appearing in this thread, discussion with an absolutists with binary views presenting one side of the argument and people speaking for a minority group on the other, you can guarantee a slanging match. When an absolutist flip flops on their own argument in order to gain arguing points, you know any effort is wasted.

Some three and a half thousand posts in, the lives and rights of trans people continue to be argued over by people with more privilege and more sense of entitlement. It's funny how folk can not see how those who feel angry have just cause.

I view the thread as pointless, and a pure waste of my time. I intend to spend my retirement more gainfully with less anxiety.
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