Gender again. Sorry!

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Where's the proof they're more of a danger to any other inmate, than any other inmate, in the same, prison for the same crime?
Males are responsible for around 98% of sex crimes and the vast majority of other violent crime. I think it's you who needs to show why the same safeguarding shouldn't apply to transwomen as it does to other male born people.
If we go back on the toilets and disabled in particular, speaking to someone slightly older than me, who's wife was wheelchair bound, amongst other problems. He said disabled toilets became more common as disabled people started getting out more. But "normal people" didn't want to have to use the same spaces/areas as people like his wife were using. Nor should they be expected to have to do so. Their privacy and dignity was much more important than that of another person.
If you can see why privacy and dignity is important, I can't understand why you don't extend that empathy to women and girls who don't want to share their spaces with male bodies.


Legendary Member
Only icow could think that me putting up a tweet is "shutting down discussion" rather than opening it up. And Berns wasn't just talking about men "portraying" women, she was explicitly and overtly calling TW perverted, sick fetishists.
No - you are trying to use a single tweet to discredit someone (now deceased) and by proxy discredit everyone who might agree with her in the slightest.
That IS context. It shows very clearly where her views on TW were coming from.
No it doesn't. Context requires the full conversation


Über Member
Males are responsible for around 98% of sex crimes and the vast majority of other violent crime. I think it's you who needs to show why the same safeguarding shouldn't apply to transwomen as it does to other male born people. If you can see why privacy and dignity is important, I can't understand why you don't extend that empathy to women and girls who don't want to share their spaces with male bodies.
You made the claim that trans women are more dangerous, for other inmates, than women in prisons*. You even posted more links of where trans women are/were housed in a women's prison. But non of those links proved what you were saying. Can you provide the proof or not, in relations to female prisons. Forget the 98% figure you keep on quoting, as it would be women on women, so cannot be an accurate figure with regards violence by inmates.

In the piece you quoted, it wasn't about privacy and dignity. More a clear cut case of we don't want "that sort of person" being allowed to use "our facilities". Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but when you say If you can see why privacy and dignity is important, "I can't understand why you don't extend that empathy to women and girls who don't want to share their spaces with male bodies."
Are you saying that you don't class trans women as normal? And that you want "them" to be kept away from "normal people" such as yourself, simply because your "normal" privacy and dignity is more important than someone else's?
Because that is what I was saying with regards the provision of disabled toilets. Provided because of moral superiority by one section of society.

*I've had to word it in a way you'll understand, but I dislike, as you refuse to accept what the law says.


No - you are trying to use a single tweet to discredit someone (now deceased) and by proxy discredit everyone who might agree with her in the slightest.

Magdalen Berns was a deeply abusive and hate-filled individual. That she is now dead is neither here nor there.

Next you will be telling us that sieg heiling Nazis at Keen's rallies ought to be listened to because they might have 'legitimate concerns', and our view of them shouldn't be coloured by the fact that they want Jews and blacks exterminated.


Legendary Member
Magdalen Berns was a deeply abusive and hate-filled individual.
Looking forward to your substantiation of those allegations. I think she was polarising, but many people see her work on standing up for womens rights as extremely important.

Next you will be telling us that sieg heiling Nazis at Keen's rallies ought to be listened to because they might have 'legitimate concerns', and our view of them shouldn't be coloured by the fact that they want Jews and blacks exterminated.
Why? Are you now saying that Magdalen Berns was a Nazi?


Master of the Inane Comment
This is why sports is so contentious. If they aren't women in sports, they aren't really women anywhere.
I think this is where ideology and reality clash head on. Ironically it is an injustice to women to allow so-called transwomen to compete in their sports. However much damage medical interventions do they don't seem to negate the physical advantage of being male.

If admittance to women's sports is simply on the basis of self ID this is cheating pure and simple.
This wouldn't pass muster in a 6th form debate.
Obviously I sympathise with Aurora's side of the argument, though for other reasons, I think overall she has got the better of the argument on this one.


I think this is where ideology and reality clash head on. Ironically it is an injustice to women to allow so-called transwomen to compete in their sports. However much damage medical interventions do they don't seem to negate the physical advantage of being male.

There is that word "seem" again. The reality is the nature of this alleged advantage has yet to be proven or quantified, nor is it necessarily congruent in all sports. My own view is that this is an issue which needs to work its way through. I don't think it is sufficient to say TW are women therefore they should have free admittance to women's sports (which, of course, they don't)

If admittance to women's sports is simply on the basis of self ID this is cheating pure and simple.

Admission isn't "simply on the basis of self ID", so you are setting up a falsehood here. IOC rules stipulate that TW have to undergo hormone treatment to reduce their testosterone levels below a stipulated amount. It has recently been reduced even further to (IIRC) 2.5 nMl/litre, putting it beneath many cis women athletes.

Obviously I sympathise with Aurora's side of the argument, though for other reasons, I think overall she has got the better of the argument on this one.

That particular remark from me was relating to Aurora's misrepresentation and misquotation of something I said months ago. It was a hypothetical statement, which she tried to represent as a statement of opinion. You'll note that she has ceased to pursue this argument, as I think the penny finally dropped.
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Looking forward to your substantiation of those allegations. I think she was polarising, but many people see her work on standing up for womens rights as extremely important.

I think that one tweet is probably enough, but she has a whole series of videos which drip with hatred. She makes it plain that she reviles trans women. There is literally not a single example of her expressing any empathy towards trans gender people. This is unsurprising as you can see that she regards them as sexually-motivated perverted fetishists.

"Polarising" Lol. She bears a lot of the responsibility for kick-starting the trans hate cult.

Why? Are you now saying that Magdalen Berns was a Nazi?

Do you really think I'm going to fall for one of your straw men, icow? :laugh:

Edit: Funnily enough, I've just found a whole twitter thread on this...

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Legendary Member
If admittance to women's sports is simply on the basis of self ID this is cheating pure and simple.

It isn't. Accordingly the rest of your point falls.
I'm highly suspicious of the SEGM.

I wonder if I scratch beneath the surface whether I'll start finding links to and funding from US Christian Evangelical groups and hard-right Conservative pressure groups. :whistle:
Usual right wing swipe at anybody who questions gender ideology. Including the psychiatrist author who has 50 years experience in the sex/gender field. This is just mud slinging.

The Tavistock isn't being closed because it was too popular to meet demand. The Cass report said a new model of treatment was needed, and the new clinics will be more holistic in approach.

You're right to compare irreversible medical and surgical interventions on adolescents with ect and lobotomies though. They too were enthusiastically promoted as a cure-all without evidence of long-term benefit.

It's an uncomfortable truth that kids were rushed through onto puberty blockers without consideration of other factors like autism or being same sex attracted. Tavistock clinicians said as much. Even more so in the US. I could put the stats up (again) about the ratio of austic and same sex attracted kids that went through the Tavistock but there's literally nothing that gives you pause for thought about the medicalising of children with gender distress so it would be pointless.
We are very good at treating physical issues, but poor at dealing with mental health. Pretending that the mental conditions don't exist isn't helpful, nor is failing to understand that the treatment is evolving.
Hang on. I thought gender was innate and it wasn't a mental health issue, and there's no diagnosis of trans anymore?
The young people referred to GIDS are in a severe state. They need care. It is absolutely right that the care should be assessed, reassessed and evolve.

There are many positives in the Cass report, not least that the service is set for expansion.
Yes, and that care should include consideration of all factors not just gender distress. Most children desist after adolescence, yet the affirmation model puts them on a medical pathway from which it is more difficult to recover. They aren't expanding the Tavistock model.
That particular remark from me was relating to Aurora's misrepresentation and misquotation of something I said months ago. It was a hypothetical statement, which she tried to represent as a statement of opinion.
You said 'Transmen are a subset of men' in the full quote, but haven't responded to my request that you expand on whether you think trans people actually are the opposite sex all the time, or if sometimes they aren't but sometimes they are.
You'll note that she has ceased to pursue this argument, as I think the penny finally dropped.

I've had a very busy day so I wouldn't read anything into my not posting other than that, plus it's going over the same stuff re the Tavistock that we have discussed at least once already.

They aren't expanding the service to roll out the Tavistock methodology because it was so successful. They are developing a holistic approach that leaves behind the affirmation model in favour of one that looks at all aspects of a child's background, not just gender distress. Which is as it should be for all patients, but especially children.
And while we are on sport, here is GC Champion bigot, Sharron Davies, complaining about a trans woman on the Cambridge rowing team. Just one problem......the race in question was 8 years ago, and the team with the TW lost. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You couldn't make it up.

Fairness is judged at the outset of a sporting competition, not by the result. Otherwise doped cyclists in the Tour de France would only be cheats if they won.


Legendary Member
Fairness is judged at the outset of a sporting competition, not by the result. Otherwise doped cyclists in the Tour de France would only be cheats if they won.

That argument clearly doesn't work - it's spurious, but so typical of the kind of claims repeatedly made.

If it was known that a cyclist was taking something but no advantage was being realised, then clearly the substance was not working as a dope. If a substance doesn't gain an advantage, then it isn't a dope, and if it isn't a banned substance, then the cyclist isn't cheating.

The trans woman in that rowing team was not cheating, because she was not doing anything surreptitiously or underhand. She applied to join the team and was accepted - no rules were broken. This is not how to define 'cheating'. Because you are unhappy with the rules, it doesn't make the competitor a 'cheat'.

On the other hand, if it was the case that women were using undeclared testosterone supplements, that would be cheating.
If it was known that a cyclist was taking something but no advantage was being realised, then clearly the substance was not working as a dope. If a substance doesn't gain an advantage, then it isn't a dope, and if it isn't a banned substance, then the cyclist isn't cheating.
So a doped cyclist who comes last in the Tour de France wouldn't be considered to have an unfair advantage because the doping wasn't enough to improve their placing? Ethics in sport has never worked like that. We simply don't measure whether something is fair in sport based on outcome. Otherwise a very slow but able bodied athlete would be allowed in the Paraolympics.

Article on sex/gender and sport by a former Olympic rower and orthopedic surgeon:,_Race,_and_Ethnicity__Sex_and.1181.aspx


An excellent piece from former Tour de France mountain jersey winner, Phillipa York, on the crap spouted by the GC mob about trans women in sport, and the actual reality

York's 'actual reality' is based on anecdotal evidence and pseudo science. Analysis of their
article here:


It must be a bit of a blow to these activists that sports are now both following the science and finally listening to female athletes.

Edited for spelling.
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