Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
So a doped cyclist who comes last in the Tour de France wouldn't be considered to have an unfair advantage because the doping wasn't enough to improve their placing? Ethics in sport has never worked like that. We simply don't measure whether something is fair in sport based on outcome. Otherwise a very slow but able bodied athlete would be allowed in the Paraolympics.

Article on sex/gender and sport by a former Olympic rower and orthopedic surgeon:,_Race,_and_Ethnicity__Sex_and.1181.aspx

View attachment 3841

York's 'actual reality' is based on anecdotal evidence and pseudo science. Analysis of their
article here:


It must be a bit of a blow to these activists that sports are now both following the science and finally listening to female athletes.

Edited for spelling.

You argue like an idiot. Just try using a rational argument for once. I can't be bothered with this utter nonsense of your's.
News today on the Tavistock and the replacement clinics.



So not really 'The Tavistock is so good they're opening more just the same'. It's actually a new service model that requires different staff than the Tavistock model which was affirmation only.

Whilst noone would want the NHS to rush open these clinics before they are ready, it's wrong that children on the waiting list don't seem to have been given access to their local NHS mental health support in the meantime. Money should have been allocated for this.


The Tavistock isn't being closed because it was too popular to meet demand. The Cass report said a new model of treatment was needed, and the new clinics will be more holistic in approach.

It is being closed for a variety of reasons.

You're right to compare irreversible medical and surgical interventions on adolescents with ect and lobotomies though.

I didnt make that comparison. You did. But you carry on doing tedious old you.

You said 'Transmen are a subset of men' in the full quote

Nope. I said TW "can" be and included TM in that hypothetical. Stop being so disingenuous (and/or illiterate)

What do you mean by 'can' rather than 'are' then? Because if you believe transwomen are only women some of the time, I think you'll find that is regarded as transphobic.

If you are saying they should be treated as women in some situations but not in others, again I think you'll find that is also 'transphobic'.

If you acknowledge that you can't change your sex, but there should be some limited accommodations for adults who have genuine long standing body dysphoria, then you're probably on the same page as most of the UK population, including me.

Edited for spelling, because I'm illiterate obvs.
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View attachment 3844

What do you mean by 'can' rather than 'are' then? Because if you believe transwomen are only women some of the time, I think you'll find that is regarded as transphobic.

If you are saying they should be treated as women in some situations but not in others, again I think you'll find that is also 'transphobic'.

If you acknowledge that you can't change your sex, but there should be some limited accommodations for adults who have genuine long standing body dysphoria, then you're probably on the same page as most of the UK population, including me.

Edited for spelling, because I'm illiterate obvs.

I really can't be bothered. This was a discussion we had months ago. If you are interested you can go back and read it. I'm not rehashing it to satisfy your attempt at a decontextualised gotcha.

I'm pretty sure I've said that I regard a large part of the trans 'issue' as linguistic. The law seems to be able to accommodate TW as women. I can accommodate them socially as do most of the women I know, but that is because the women I know arent ideologically-captured dïckheads. Those same women regard the putative 'threat' of TW that you posit as ideologically driven nonsense, as do I. They dont regard TW in women's spaces as an affront to their dignity like you do (but I'll bet you've never actually encountered one in a woman's space). All the women I know regard predatory men as the danger, not trans women. They seem to be able to tell the difference and can't be arsed either with your attempt to define TW into a threat.

Do I think TW are biologically identical to cis women? No. And guess who is more aware of those differences than anyone else? Trans women.

I am quite comfortable with lots of areas in life that have ambiguity. I don't need everything cast in black and white.

I think you are part of an online cult, much like the anti-vaxxers. You employ the same style of arguments, with the same kind of weird obscure examples that you try to extrapolate to a norm.

I regard you as a small part of a small group of extremists who are making the world a worse place. Not only for TW, but also for women in general because you are affording entryism to the far right.
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Excellent - now you must realise why you are seen as transphobic.

If not regarding transwomen as women 100% of the time, in every situation and circumstance, is regarded as transphobic then I reckon most of the world is transphobic. You must realise by now that nobody gives a toss about being called a transphobe because the bar for transphobia is so very low.


You must realise by now that nobody gives a toss about being called a transphobe because the bar for transphobia is so very low.

Well that is strange because the standard GC tactic is to say that everyone is just going along with the whims of the trans community because they are petrified of being labelled as trasphobes.

You can't have it both ways.


Über Member
@AuroraSaab, just what is it that frightens you about them?
The wording used in your posts shows there's something that frightens you. However you choose to hide behind a larger group.

You've admitted that you don't want them near you, your "dignity" is more important than anyone else's. From your response to the post about the disabled toilets. Not wanting them near "normal people" such as yourself.
Define normal please?

How far have you progressed in any of the various sports you've brought up so far. How many have you actually tried playing?
Were you threatened whilst you were in prison? If so, why didn't you report it. Or even sell your story on release.


Legendary Member
If not regarding transwomen as women 100% of the time, in every situation and circumstance, is regarded as transphobic then I reckon most of the world is transphobic. You must realise by now that nobody gives a toss about being called a transphobe because the bar for transphobia is so very low.

You haven't yet understood have you? The law requires all of us individuals to behave in a non-discriminatory way to each other. You try to twist the message of the law to discriminate against one group of people - trans people. You try to exercise the right to discriminate where no such right exists. Targeted discrimination of trans people has a name - that name is transphobia.
Well that is strange because the standard GC tactic is to say that everyone is just going along with the whims of the trans community because they are petrified of being labelled as trasphobes.

You can't have it both ways.

Well some people are afraid of being labelled transphobic, fairly or unfairly, because it will affect their livlihood, especially in sports where people depend on scholarships and sponsorship.

It's no coincidence that those who do speak out are either too rich and successful to lose out, or have retired from their career and have a lot less to lose.

So yes, you can have it both ways - some will be afraid because of the consequences, others are fortunate enough to not have to care.

Luckily there are people willing to speak out, and as we've seen in sports, athletes speaking out and being consulted has contributed to the rules being changed.
@AuroraSaab, just what is it that frightens you about them?
The wording used in your posts shows there's something that frightens you. However you choose to hide behind a larger group.
Nope. Wishing to keep women's single sex spaces and services just for women is as much about dignity and privacy as safety.
You've admitted that you don't want them near you, your "dignity" is more important than anyone else's.
I've said no such thing. I wish to preserve the exemptions of the Equality Act which allow single sex services and spaces - for both men and women. Why do you think the wishes of transwomen should override the wishes of others?
From your response to the post about the disabled toilets. Not wanting them near "normal people" such as yourself.
Define normal please?
I have no idea what you are on about here. I haven't said anything of the sort.
How far have you progressed in any of the various sports you've brought up so far. How many have you actually tried playing?
Were you threatened whilst you were in prison? If so, why didn't you report it. Or even sell your story on release.

Again, this is just nonsense, Classic. Are you saying women should have no interest in fairness in sport or in the welfare of women in prison unless they are elite athletes or in jail themselves? If you are saying that, it could equally apply to you or anyone else in this thread, whether we are talking about single sex spaces, war in the Ukraine, US school shootings, or anything else.
You try to exercise the right to discriminate where no such right exists. Targeted discrimination of trans people has a name - that name is transphobia.
I wish to preserve the single sex exemptions allowed under the Equality Act. This allows discrimination (in certain circumstances) on the basis of sex. Transwomen aren't excluded from women's single sex spaces and services just because they are trans, as you know, otherwise transmen would be excluded too. It can hardly be transphobia if transmen are admitted, but there's very little that's not transphobic to you so I'm sure I'll cope with your labels.


Über Member
Nope. Wishing to keep women's single sex spaces and services just for women is as much about dignity and privacy as safety.

I've said no such thing. I wish to preserve the exemptions of the Equality Act which allow single sex services and spaces - for both men and women. Why do you think the wishes of transwomen should override the wishes of others?

I have no idea what you are on about here. I haven't said anything of the sort.

Again, this is just nonsense, Classic. Are you saying women should have no interest in fairness in sport or in the welfare of women in prison unless they are elite athletes or in jail themselves? If you are saying that, it could equally apply to you or anyone else in this thread, whether we are talking about single sex spaces, war in the Ukraine, US school shootings, or anything else.
I'll give you time to check your reply to my post. You equated the treatment of disabled people to that of women. Saying their dignity and privacy should be the same as that afforded to the disabled, before seperate toilets became available. You were asked if I'd mis-read or misunderstood your reply, but you chose not to answer(post 3,738), or correct me.

How far have you got in the sports you've raised. Were you threatened in prison. Two points raised because you constantly use them to prove that one section of society is solely responsible for what happens.
How many women were threatened, or injured in attacks in womens prisons each year. Are all the attackers male? This would mean the staff, not other inmates, are the ones behind the attacks of course.

Proof that women are just as capable of killing as men.
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