Gender again. Sorry!

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Fûck me, you have managed to surpass even yourself with the number of tropes you've gleaned from transphobe social media and squeezed into one post, Aurora.


How do you account for the imbalance in the Tavistock figures of far more girls than boys being referred? Same sex attracted kids overrepresented? Autistic kids massively overrepresented? Nothing at all to do with social pressures and social contagion?

What's ironic is that you accuse me of being radicalised by stuff on the Internet but seem to dismiss the idea that kids can be influenced by all the pro trans and gender ideology stuff on the internet, of which there are thousands of hours worth.

Re homophobia: Bit of a long read, and it's Spiked, but this is an article by a gender critical gay man on why gender ideology is homophobic and no different from the abuse he faced as a boy who was gay.


We can all read transphobe twitter and see what the headless-chickens are retweeting today, Aurora.

Screenshot_20230515_053545_Samsung Internet.jpg

Have you ever considered a different hobby?
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Ah yes, that well known transphobic right wing Nazi fascist, J.K. Rowling, also read it. Good for her. It was probably a nice change from all the rape and death threats.

Long but comprehensive Times article on the Tavistock is reproduced here (no paywall). Lots of insight from clinicians who felt gay kids were being fast tracked onto a medical pathway simply for being gay or gender non conforming.

The same pattern of a vast increase in the percentage of teenage girls being referred is also being seen in Ireland. The cohort went from being adult males to being teenage girls in the space of 6 years. Nothing to do with social contagion or the awful pressures on adolescent girls who don't fit in....

I think there are worse 'hobbies' than being worried about the high numbers of gay, autistic, and gender non conforming children who are being put on a life long medical pathway for a condition that resolves on its own in 80% of cases. Cheering on giving the sex offender/'gay cure' drug Lupron to kids for a mental health issue would be one of them.

Edit: For someone who calls me obsessed you certainly post a lot at 5am, but only on this thread. Up early for your shift at the gender clinic perhaps. The Tavistock is so good they aren't shutting it, they're opening a few more you know.
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Legendary Member
Ah yes, that well known transphobic right wing Nazi fascist, J.K. Rowling, also read it. Good for her. It was probably a nice change from all the rape and death threats.

Long but comprehensive Times article on the Tavistock is reproduced here (no paywall). Lots of insight from clinicians who felt gay kids were being fast tracked onto a medical pathway simply for being gay or gender non conforming.

The same pattern of a vast increase in the percentage of teenage girls being referred is also being seen in Ireland. The cohort went from being adult males to being teenage girls in the space of 6 years. Nothing to do with social contagion or the awful pressures on adolescent girls who don't fit in....

I think there are worse 'hobbies' than being worried about the high numbers of gay, autistic, and gender non conforming children who are being put on a life long medical pathway for a condition that resolves on its own in 80% of cases. Cheering on giving the sex offender/'gay cure' drug Lupron to kids for a mental health issue would be one of them.

I do wish you'd learn to interpret data correctly. From your link ...

From 2015 onwards the numbers grew from 15 to 48 in 2018 when there were twice as many girls referred from here as boys.

These numbers do not indicate 'social contagion'. These are small numbers referred from a country not a village to a London facility. It really ought seem obvious to you that a change in policy, or an increase in the availability of resources about where people are referred to can explain any increase in numbers of referrals, without any actual increase in the numbers of young people who are referred. People are only referred if and when the funding to refer them occurs. As money becomes available, backlogs can be cleared; year on year figures are easily distorted in this way. One needs either the full picture or no picture - anything between the two means nothing.

The alarmist nature of your reporting along with your lack of understanding of data and of political choices makes for dangerous rhetoric.
A country with a population the size of Yorkshire has had a surge in teenage girls being referred and it's nothing to do with social contagion...

Some people might hear alarm bells when the cohort of the gender services in the UK, Ireland, and NZ, have all experienced an upsurge/ change in the make up of those referred, going from older males to adolescent girls. Especially when clinicians from that very service express grave concerns. Not you though. It's all just funny old statistics that mean nothing.


Edit: For someone who calls me obsessed you certainly post a lot at 5am, but only on this thread.
LOL. Not content with trying to police how strangers choose to live their lives and perceive themselves, now your are trying to police when I choose to post.

Bit creepy.


Senior Member
Ah yes, that well known transphobic right wing Nazi fascist, J.K. Rowling, also read it. Good for her. It was probably a nice change from all the rape and death threats.

Long but comprehensive Times article on the Tavistock is reproduced here (no paywall). Lots of insight from clinicians who felt gay kids were being fast tracked onto a medical pathway simply for being gay or gender non conforming.

The same pattern of a vast increase in the percentage of teenage girls being referred is also being seen in Ireland. The cohort went from being adult males to being teenage girls in the space of 6 years. Nothing to do with social contagion or the awful pressures on adolescent girls who don't fit in....

I think there are worse 'hobbies' than being worried about the high numbers of gay, autistic, and gender non conforming children who are being put on a life long medical pathway for a condition that resolves on its own in 80% of cases. Cheering on giving the sex offender/'gay cure' drug Lupron to kids for a mental health issue would be one of them.

Edit: For someone who calls me obsessed you certainly post a lot at 5am, but only on this thread. Up early for your shift at the gender clinic perhaps. The Tavistock is so good they aren't shutting it, they're opening a few more you know.
The woman "behind the research" in that second link, Aoife Gavin UCG, has also researched why there's more girls on diets than there are boys. But I can't find any article that links her to gender reassignment.

Lupron, used in treatment of certain types of cancer(breast) and in IVF treatment.


Legendary Member
A country with a population the size of Yorkshire has had a surge in teenage girls being referred and it's nothing to do with social contagion...

Some people might hear alarm bells when the cohort of the gender services in the UK, Ireland, and NZ, have all experienced an upsurge/ change in the make up of those referred, going from older males to adolescent girls. Especially when clinicians from that very service express grave concerns. Not you though. It's all just funny old statistics that mean nothing.

You gave Ireland as your example. Now you are shifting goal posts. 50 people from a population of 5 000 000 gives a percentage of 0.00001% - hardly a 'social contagion'. This is purely alarmist rhetoric. Please do keep it real.

If at a point in time the political system provides no resources for referrals, inevitably a backlog builds up. When resources become available, there's the inevitability of a spike.

Just think things through before posting gibberish.

A much better example of social contagion is the spread of lies and misinformation pertaining to 'gender critical' views.
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LOL. Not content with trying to police how strangers choose to live their lives and perceive themselves, now your are trying to police when I choose to post.

Bit creepy.

Nah. Post when and as you like. Just bemused by what counts as obsessive to someone regularly name checking me in posts. It's nearly 70 now.

Nobody gives a toss about how adults live their lives until it impinges on other people, at which point it becomes a matter for others. Health care for children should be everybody's concern though, so yeah let's make sure that is evidence based and very much 'policed'.

Nothing more creepy than adults excusing the irreversible harm caused by the medicalising of gay and non conforming kids.
Lupron, used in treatment of certain types of cancer(breast) and in IVF treatment.
It was a late stage cancer drug, now used 'off label' for gender medicine and other stuff.

The US FDA added an extra warning to it last year, that it might cause brain swelling and blindness in children. Personally I don't think children can understand the possible long term health effects of puberty blockers and hormones, and as such can't give informed consent at 11 or 12. European countries seem to be thinking the same now.


Legendary Member
It was a late stage cancer drug, now used 'off label' for gender medicine and other stuff.

The US FDA added an extra warning to it last year, that it might cause brain swelling and blindness in children. Personally I don't think children can understand the possible long term health effects of puberty blockers and hormones, and as such can't give informed consent at 11 or 12. European countries seem to be thinking the same now.

You are free to think what you like, but the UK courts are entitled to a different opinion to your's, and they have stated it. The opinion of the Court of Appeal carries more weight than your's or mine (thankfully).

Lupron is not an authorised medicine in the UK.
The active ingredient of Lupron is Luprorelin, which is used in the UK, though not used to block puberty unless the child has a reaction to Triptorelin - which is a GnRH analog drug in the same family. So bit like saying Anadin rather than asprin.

Look at us though. Talking about giving drugs that noone knows the long term side effects to kids age 10 and up as though it's the most natural thing in the world.

And kids who go puberty blockers invariably go on to cross sex hormones. Whereas if they don't, body dysphoria most often desists after adolescence.

Monkers, the "Social contagion" thing comes from transphobe Helen Joyce, so all the headless chickens are parotting it.

Yes, Helen Joyce, respected Irish journalist, International Head of The Economist. She has a Maths degree so probably grasps the statistics on the Tavistock better than any on here.

It's amazing who's transphobic though. The medical experts in Holland, Sweden, Finland, and the UK, who have rowed back on using puberty blockers. Award winning Newsnight journalists who exposed the Tavistock. Sports scientists and researchers. Obviously despite their qualifications and experience none of them have grasped the issues and the research as well as folk on a niche sports forum can. Probably all fascists and Nazis too, I expect.

Better to believe the doctors in the US who make their living from double mastectomies on teens and have a vested interest in having people on meds for life. Better still, let activists dictate medical care. That'll probably be fine too.
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