Why do you insist on conflating things into black and white? There are plenty of women concerned about women's rights and who also support the right of a woman to control her own body including abortion rights. A proportion of those are concerned about what the rights of transwomen are and whether they might impinge or devalue what it is to be a woman.
These are not the same people as the ultra-right ban trans, ban gay, ban abortion people. These are a different group, largely a contagion from the USA.
And you think that matters?
You think people distinguish between the good transphobes and the bad transphobes? This conflagration sprung up in the last handful of years. Why, when trans women have been around for decades? They've been quietly using women's loos, had access to refuges etc without any issue. So, why now? I know the answer, and it is to do with online radicalisation and the co-opting of people like you and AS by the hard-right. You don't seem to understand that you might not be hard-right, but you are helping them....which is why you are, in your own small way, helping the attack on REAL women's rights, like access to abortion, rather than this confected nonsense about trans women. You are the useful idiot.
As I have said before, if there is no issue with trans rights, then why call women "people who menstruate"?
Because some trans men have periods. And that language is used by specific groups in specific circumstances to help get trans men to use services like health care. It isn't about you, or what you think, or indeed about cis women, and it isn't about 'erasing women' by ceasing to use the word woman
Why burn books and try to block filming because an author says she has some sympathy with trans people but also some concerns that women should remain protected in certain situations?
The anti-trans thing is a cult. If you look at JK she isn't saying the same things she was when she first got sucked in. Nor is Sharron Davies. They've expanded beyond their initial remit towards a general intolerance of trans women. In this thread Aurora started off just claiming to be concerned about women's spaces, but unwittingly the more you press her, especially if she gets angry, the more the actual spite towards trans women comes out.
If it is all so cut and dried, why are people going out of their way to "cancel" lectures, shows etc? Why is it verboten to disagree with the statement "transwomen are women"? Why were celebrities made to say it like a mantra?
Because they are fighting a war against intolerance. "Trans women are women" means something entirely different to me than it does to you. It doesn't mean they are biological women, it means that socially they are women. I know that is a step too far for you because you have an aspergic inability to see nuance. Also very little natural empathy.
JK Rowling was accused multiple times of trans genocide. She has received death threats, had events cancelled and had to increase her own security. Why? If these people supporting trans rights are all lovely and have good arguments, why are they so afraid to have them challenged? Why are they afraid of discussion? Why are they afraid of participating in forum discussions where they can explain that there are already safeguards in place?
Who says they are all lovely and good? I didn't. There are some right peanuts in the TRA movement, and some of them engage in activities that undermine their own cause. The big difference is that they have little voice and little power. As I've said before, outside of twitter you almost never hear from a trans person. You hear anti-trans sentiment from the actual fücking Prime Minister of the country.
@monkers has done a really good job in explaining why a lot of the issues aren't really issues. I think some areas are still more contentious and disagree with her on some points, but certainly I have changed my viewpoint from the start of the discussion. Isn't that the point of this?
Good, I'm pleased. You should listen to her some more and stop listening to the weirdo zealots like Aurora. Another possibility would be to have an actual face-to-face conversation with a trans woman and ask them what their life is like and what pressures they face. Maybe try and see things from their perspective. Maybe realise they are humans. But the chances are you won't, not because you are a hate-filled bigot (which I don't think you are) but because you are extremely unlikely to meet one given they are as rare as hens teeth.