I'd not class myself as "trans activist". More one for letting people get on with their own lives. So long as they don't start "preaching" to me how their beliefs are the only ones that matter. That I should accept what they say as the only way things can be. They leave me alone, I'll leave them alone.
This can be religious, sporting, dieting, whether we are alone in the universe, or anything else in which they believe they are right and everyone else needs to wake up and smell what's being shovelled. I've shovelled enough over the years, and you can soon get to tell what rear it came from. Blunt fact, not a euphemism for anything else.
I've been on the receiving end over the years, either for sticking up for what someone should be allowed to do(when it affects no-one else) or directly as a result of various medical issues, some mentioned on this thread. The level of abuse can be a bit off putting at times, I just want to live my life as best as I'm able, and I'll help those wishing to do similar. If this means shouting down others that feel they have the right to tell me how I should be living my life, so it suits them, I'll do so. If I "upset" the person telling me by trying to live my life, tough.
I doubt I'm the only one who wants to get on with their life, harming no-one else. Maybe those saying someone's life choice is wrong really need to take a long inward look at themselves. They might just see where the real problem is. Sort that problem out, then start telling others their way of life is wrong. They'll have a lot less to "tell" other people how to live their lives.
Discrimination I've lived with all my life. I've sought equal rights, not special rights, and despite the law saying I now can't be discriminated against, it doesn't stop it happening. At times almost daily. Be it the gobby woman who seeks to deny me medical treatment, or the other passengers on public transport who don't like what they see. It's not "normal", like us, get it out of our sight/away from us, ending up being asked to get off. The not so quiet whispers, loud enough for them to know you'll hear them talking about you.
I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for someone who's decided to make a complete change to their life. Maybe that's why so many feel they're not fit to be part of society. They don't fit in with "normal" any more.
They'll end up either shouting down others who tell them that they are wrong, or take another much harder way out.
Throughout this thread, it's been people that have been talked about. Let's not forget that.