I'm not the one trumpeting the existence of dsd/intersex people as some sort of proof that sex is a spectrum. That's 'your' side
I'm a boring individual, so I searched the thread to see who (if anyone) had said this. The answer is no-one, excluding a brief aside from FishFright, who is not currently participating in the thread.
@winjim and
@newfhouse both talk a bit about spectrums - they are not claiming that gender is a spectrum but either critically interrogating the idea or referring to something else (like autism). Even Monkers explicitly says she is not claiming that sex is a spectrum. This is why almost everyone gets pissed off with your misrepresenting their positions and constant playing to the gallery. I don't say this to back up Classic, who as ever is conducting his own thread about his own preoccupations, one of which seems to be to pretend that violence isn't gendered.
Sex is not a spectrum, but it is and always has been an unstable category, with contingent meanings, grey areas, and real-world situations that unsettle its certainties. If everything arising from it were so natural and inevitable, why would it need have needed the violent enforcement of the patriarchy over so many centuries, and why does it require so much cultural work (like the crusade you're on now) to uphold it? Gender is an edifice built on unstable foundations. I hate to break this to you, but you're never going to get the certainty you want. Upset by the disintegration of epistemological certainty, which they usually blame on some group or other presenting a challenge to the status quo, many people reach for authoritarianism to try to enforce the certainties they crave.
Anyway, one of those grey areas / unsettling realities is people with DSDs. The fact that sporting classifications can't cope with their existence is hardly surprising, as society as a whole can't cope with it either - hence railroading them into a binary category at birth (which, contrary to your suggestion, has not just happened in developing countries). This is just a more violent and obviously coercive manifestation of the process by which everyone is railroaded - which is why, unlike some feminists (and now many people who aren't feminists at all, but have appropriated feminist ideas to regressive ends) I have never objected to the term 'assigned female (or male) at birth', which has always seemed to me accurately to describe the initiation of a social/cultural process and the most important real distinction between men and women. The athletes you denigrate were, by and large, AFAB, with all the real-world consequences that arise from that, and that makes them girls and women in exactly the same way that it makes me a woman. Throwing Caster Semenya under the bus to make a point about trans women was the first time I had noticed what a dreadful person Sharron Davies was, but sadly things have got a lot worse from there.
[Obviously I'm aware that Aurora will ignore all of this, but if she can play to the gallery, then the rest of us can play that game.]