Gender again. Sorry!

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You don't like the laws of the land, I'd suggest moving somewhere where the laws are to your liking.
Lol. The law of the land allows men to be excluded from women's single sex spaces and services. Perhaps you should move. I'll stay and fight for the rights of women and girls, thanks.
Episode 974 in which you regurgitate old, questionable figures. The Lucy Faithfull Foundation* puts a conservative figure at 20% of UK sex offenders are women.
You want another?
Susan Abbott, recently released after serving just 50% of the sentence handed down. Before being released to her home county, where the assaults were carried out. She still poses a risk and concerns have been raised by her early release, for her victims, and for other kids in the area. It seems that like Maxine Carr, she's been given a new identity to allow her to continue living in an area where her victims will not have the same anonymity allowing them to start afresh. If that's even possible for them.
Even by your figures 80% of sex offenders being male is still pretty convincing that blokes are the dangerous ones.
You're the one "trawling the same old "story" of it's men who are the problem. And you feel that you're entitled to dictate how others should be allowed to live around you.
None of us get to live exactly how we want when what we want affects other people. Maybe someone doesn't want to walk to the door of Tesco so they park in the disabled bays. Is it dictating how they should live if you ask them not to do it because it affects the disabled? Of course not.
Much as I disagree with her binary approach, staying and advocating to change the law is a reasonable thing to do.
The thing is she wants the law changing to suit herself, to allow her to dictate who's allowed where.
Because, for all her fine, regurgitated words, she's not willing to respect the fact that people have the right to live their life, so long as they don't break any laws doing so.

She wants to go backwards, claiming it's a forward movement.
The law says men can be excluded from women's single sex spaces and services. It's you that wants to change the law to admit men simply because they say 'I'm a woman'. You have absolutely no respect for women, Classic. You really don't give a toss about their feelings as long as transwomen get what they want.
Lol. The law of the land allows men to be excluded from women's single sex spaces and services. Perhaps you should move. I'll stay and fight for the rights of women and girls, thanks.

Even by your figures 80% of sex offenders being male is still pretty convincing that blokes are the dangerous ones.

None of us get to live exactly how we want when what we want affects other people. Maybe someone doesn't want to walk to the door of Tesco so they park in the disabled bays. Is it dictating how they should live if you ask them not to do it because it affects the disabled? Of course not.
You're not fighting for the rights of women and girls though. You're hiding behind that, and have been from the start. There's a small part of society that you don't like, and you want them to be kept away from you.

It's a conservative figure, from a charity that works with female sex offenders, which is ten times higher than the figure you keep dropping in.

True, non of us do. However being lazy has never been a valid excuse for breaking the law.
The law says men can be excluded from women's single sex spaces and services. It's you that wants to change the law to admit men simply because they say 'I'm a woman'. You have absolutely no respect for women, Classic. You really don't give a toss about their feelings as long as transwomen get what they want.
Please show where I've said any of that?
If you can't show, provide a link. Or withdraw the accusation.
Don't waste your time Classic.

It's standard Aurora strawmanning.
I've an idea of what she's like from the previous threads on the subject. As you've seen she introduces something to back up her narrative, then at the the drop of a hat, say completely the opposite. Often using the same information for both sides of her "case".
From toilets to prisons, she's used the same arguments on both sides. Calling it nitpicking, when it's pointed out that what she's posted isn't physically possible.

Female athletes with a high testosterone level were women with a natural advantage. Those seeking to have them submit to a regime of drug taking(big pharma money) were wrong to deny them their inbuilt advantage. Now they shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's athletics, because they're not women.
My position is consistent. No males in women's single sex spaces, services, and sports. That applies to all men, however lovely they are, however they identify. It applies to women in men's spaces and services too, you'll be pleased to hear.

I think you are just simply devoid of any empathy for women's feelings, even women in prison or who have trained their whole lives to excel in sport. Not even the most obvious clash of rights provokes any sympathy for women. And you obviously don't understand what a dsd is.


We are back to Aurora trying to speak for all women, and assuming they hold the same bigoted views as her.

They don't.

Even in this tiny microcosm, there is not a single woman who agrees with her.
On prison assaults stats 7 transwomen isn't enough to make a meaningful conclusion but a tiny number of women on a forum is ....

I've never claimed to speak for all women.

More news. The service specification for the new gender clinics have been published. Confirms the ending of the use of puberty blockers and a wider more holistic approach.
Not quite true though.
What they have said is that
"Puberty blockers will not routinely be offered to children treated at new regional gender identity clinics in England, the NHS has confirmed."
I wouldn't get too hung up on the use of 'not routinely'.

"Puberty blockers will only be prescribed to children attending gender identity services as part of clinical research, NHS England has announced."


I wouldn't get too hung up on the use of 'not routinely'.

"Puberty blockers will only be prescribed to children attending gender identity services as part of clinical research, NHS England has announced."


They're not ending their use then. Contrary to what you first posted.


Legendary Member
They're not ending their use then. Contrary to what you first posted.

You are correct. Neither are puberty blockers now 'banned' in Norway as Aurora claims.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The country has not changed its guidelines on gender-affirming care for minors, which currently includes non-surgical treatments but recommends against surgery for under-18s in most cases. An independent Norwegian healthcare board not associated with the government recently proposed increased restrictions on such care — though not an outright ban — but it has no authority to institute the changes. Norway’s health agency is considering the recommendations but confirmed nothing has been banned.
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