What a very strange statement. Did you work with her?She was very unprofessional in role.
Just remember ladies of the forum (and indeed ladies of the world), Aurora is being offended on your behalf, even if you don't want her to be, and even if the infinitesimal chance of you meeting a TW in a female space doesn't bother you.
Remember ladies...Aurora is more right what she thinks your feelings are than you are.
Let's look to Ireland to see how Irish women are coping with it....
Lol. You've spent this whole thread being offended over things that don't affect you much.
Make sure to tell your daughter to politely look away when she sees an adult male penis at the swimming baths though, rather than complain. You'd walk the walk and not be offended on her behalf obviously.
Tiny population, smaller than Yorkshire, so not a big demographic, but still managed to get 3 or 4 transwomen violent offenders into a women's jail. How proud you must be. Plenty of Irish women campaigning against it.
Most have jumped on the case of one person. Who now shares her facility with two other women deemed too unsafe to be in the general prison population.Tiny population, smaller than Yorkshire, so not a big demographic, but still managed to get 3 or 4 transwomen violent offenders into a women's jail. How proud you must be. Plenty of Irish women campaigning against it.
What a very strange statement. Did you work with her?
Is any of this in the public domain?Nothing strange about it. I haven't met her, but I remain in contact with former colleagues who did. Also I have seen evidence of the types of messages she sent to students. I have a nephew who studied there, though not on a course she taught on. She had a terrible reputation among learners.
There you have it folks. If your wife, gf, and your daughters don't want adult males in their changing rooms they simply shouldn't go swimming. Just stay home. They should simply stay away from those facilities that were expressly set up to give them dignity and privacy in the first place. Surprise penis in the female sauna? Just look away girls. Naked man in the women's showers alongside your children? Get over yourselves.
Is any of this in the public domain?
Men aren't a minority lol.I'm offended by movements that seek to harm vulnerable minorities.
Huge difference between sharing a bathroom with work colleagues and giving any male entry to all female single sex spaces and services, which is what you seem to support.My wife has been on the planet 47 years and never seen one. However, as I've told you before, she works in a large organisation with many thousands of people in one building, with a disproportionately high number of TW with whom she shares the toilets. And as I've told you before she tells me that she isn't bothered at all by the TW.
No of course not, it's an anecdote that we are meant to accept as evidence of Kathleen Stock being a horrible, horrible person in order to denigrate her gender critical opinions. I did hear she looked at milk once and it curdled. No wait, sorry, that was Salem, 1692.Is any of this in the public domain?
No of course not, it's an anecdote that we are meant to accept as evidence of Kathleen Stock being a horrible, horrible person in order to denigrate her gender critical opinions. I did hear she looked at milk once and it curdled. No wait, sorry, that was Salem, 1692.
You keep saying this but 'no male penis in a female sauna' is a perfectly legal exclusion under the Equality Act.It's not that this is just not covered by the EqA, it isn't covered by the law.