Gender again. Sorry!

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Elder Goth
Are we just gonna let this slide, peeps?

Missionary with the lights off.

And only on a Sunday morning.

Through a sheet.
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Elder Goth
Annnnnnnyyyywaaaaay.....moving swiftly on from the forum weirdo fantasising about my sex life...

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You don't really do humour, do you?


Cry afterwards?

No, but I do always apologise afterwards.
We aren't though. Self ID is basically that, self ID. You are confusing self ID with having a GRC. If self ID was introduced it wouldn't apply only to those with a GRC. It would apply to anyone who self ID'ed as the other sex - whenever they liked. No paperwork required.

Are you sure about that?

Self ID as proposed in Scotland is wholly about the mechanism by which a person who is gender incongruent can get a GRC enabling them to get a new Birth Certificate, marry and eventually be certified dead in their adopted Gender. The process would be simplified as Gender Dysphoria, referenced in the current legislation, is no longer a recognised health condition.

In practical terms we've had self ID for years. My former colleague, mentioned passim in this thread did exactly that. I think she went through a phase of androgynous clothing before going full female in dresses etc and adopting her female name/pronoun. Only after living that way for a period measured in years could she get her GRC.

Or have I totally misunderstood???
If someone has legally changed sex in Scotland, and the Haldane ruling in Scotland says 'sex' is not limited to biological sex, on what grounds would someone of their new legal sex be able to be excluded from single sex spaces and services? It's likely that service providers would be pressurised to be inclusive either through confusion around the law and what exemptions they can apply or fear of being sued.

Of course Scotland has already introduced self-ID under the radar in some sectors by letting a trans activist group pretty much write the Scottish prisons policy and withholding government funding from women's refuges and rape crisis centres if they don't accept transwomen.

What is 'going full female in dresses'? What is 'living as a woman'? Can you give me some examples of what 'living as a woman' means, that doesn't involve stereotypes of dress and behaviours?

Self ID as in wearing 'women's clothes' (they're just clothes, anyone can wear them) and choosing a 'woman's name' (they're just names, anybody can have any name) is very different from self ID enshrined in law which impinges on others.

I don't object to making it easier to get a GRC, with some caveats like over 18's. It's important to some people to have a driving license or death certificate with the sex they identify as on it and that doesn't really affect anyone much. I certainly don't object to people who dress in a non conforming way; pressure to conform to stereotypes is part of why we are in this mess. I object to gender identity completely over-riding sex in law.


New Member
Interesting reading this thread, though I tend to miss large chunks, then just catch up via the last few pages when I can.

I don't think this episode of the radio 4 program got a mention, unless I've missed it, on Cancel Culture.

How should we understand ‘cancel culture’? Moral Maze The gender-critical philosopher Kathleen Stock’s address to the Oxford Union this week has divided academics at the university.


Reading around the chip
I don't think this episode of the radio 4 program got a mention, unless I've missed it, on Cancel Culture.

How should we understand ‘cancel culture’? Moral Maze The gender-critical philosopher Kathleen Stock’s address to the Oxford Union this week has divided academics at the university.

Thanks but I'd rather gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon.


Legendary Member
Interesting reading this thread, though I tend to miss large chunks, then just catch up via the last few pages when I can.

I don't think this episode of the radio 4 program got a mention, unless I've missed it, on Cancel Culture.

How should we understand ‘cancel culture’? Moral Maze The gender-critical philosopher Kathleen Stock’s address to the Oxford Union this week has divided academics at the university.

Thank you for the links. Unfortunately I don't have a TV licence, so I will let the invitation pass.

It seems that to me without the benefit of listening, that the new culture is to look for divisive figures and then adopt them; whereas before we had a greater tendency to ridicule them.

We seem to be in the midst of a downfall of divisive figures though, Trump, Johnson, Farage for example, but they seem to quickly be replaced by others such as Braverman who wish to continue the programme.

Stock is indeed a divisive figure, and not only between academics. She's had a few pratt falls already; I'm sure they'll be others.
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