Our new policy will mean those competing in the female category are able to satisfy all the following requirements:-
- Their sex assigned at birth was female, and
- They must not have undergone any part of male puberty, and
- Their testosterone serum level must be below 2.5nmol/L if tested.
The Board of CTT will create a new body (a Gender Tribunal) to decide gender eligibility issues and give sympathetic guidance to those affected by this policy. That body will have power to grant an exemption from the first requirement but not the second or third. This power is to allow for the (very rare) situations where it is can be established that a person was mistakenly assigned the sex of male at birth. Such a person would still need to satisfy the second and third requirement.
Non-binary persons (persons who affirm that they are neither male nor female) shall be required to compete in the Open
category. ...... <snip> ....