You are incorrect. There's no longer is a 'women's class; it's gone'.
No, it's just been made clear that it's for biological women.
Your friend apparently rode in that class before, despite not identifying as a woman, without feeling the need to withdraw because their gender identity wasn't specifically catered for. Now their gender identity is catered for IF THEY WISH and you're still not happy.
Nothing is assigned at birth. Sex is observed at birth (correctly in 99.8% of cases). I don't agree with a separate non binary class. I agree with a protected class for women. Nb's going in the Open class if they wish seems fair.You always say that gender is not assigned at birth, not gender. Why do you agree with this now? Does ignoring convention in pronouns give a person an unfair biological advantage in sport?
It was not problematic before. This is a consequence of the argument of the anti-trans brigade.
It was very problematic before, just not for you. It was certainly problematic for female pro cyclists and other sportswomen who when eventually asked have shown overwhelmingly that they want a category for women only. It's a consequence of a large number of male born cyclists taking places and awards from women.