Legendary Member
But isn't the chap on the floor your non-binary friend?
Come on Mr Cowden, I think you a decent chap and not that hard of thinking that you can't understand an analogy. My friend is not an entrant into the female category of the human race, they are remaining in there. They just can't be bothered with the social conditions that people try to impose on her using their tropes of what as a 'she' must look like in order to be a woman. A great deal of what they hear is that 'she is too tall to be a woman'. They are also sick and tired about the mischaracterisation of the so-called trans debate where trans people are characterised as predators, groomers, paedophiles etc.
My friend is not so much opting in to a category as opting out of one while not intending any form of transition. My friend says that their sense of gender identity has never been very strong. They put this down to childhood bullying about height and size having been very damaging for them. They say that things improved for them in adulthood, but the increase in hate towards trans people has upset them so very much, especially as they themself has also been a target of gender critical women.