I'd already explained that if you don't use the same form of words, then the search facility fails to find it.
It was also obvious that you used attempted to portray something that wasn't true with your 'other posters'. It was only about Aurora.
There is no denial from me about what I said about Aurora, and I'm not taking it back.
There was other crap, something about steamrolling kittens. WTAF. And then something about hanging out with Bolders - whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. What are 'Bolders'? Actually don't bother, it's obviously just some fiction that was supposed to put me in my place.
The Bolders thing was a bit of a light-hearted 'in in joke' about another forum member, who tries to use the 'only joking' line to wheel in all manner of dull old stuff, but if you don't go to other threads I guess you wouldn't have got it..
The steamrollering kittens thing was also about the supposed 'terrible sin' of not having a soh when other folks make a joke, but it doesn't land so well, but never mind, you seem to think it was an attempt to 'put you in your place'
'Shushing women'. It's not about shushing women. It's not the same as the ordinary experience of women being told to pipe down, or being told they are shrill. It's about exposing the truth that when a group, or groups of people use speech against another group of people such the frequency and level of hate crime against another group are intensified. It's not just me saying it, and it's not a case of those pesky trans activists saying it, it is the United Nations, Liberty, Amnesty International and other rights groups saying it. The terrorism is not in my words, I am not demonising women, I'm calling out a forum opponent because she is not interested in any distress she causes.
You can make your own responses as mild-mannered or mealy-mouthed as you like, that's a matter for you. However just how polite would you be feeling if those subjected to violent attack are your own family?
So if you want to make facile comparisons about 'steamrolling kittens' or opaque lines such as 'hanging out with Bolders', go ahead but don't expect me to be impressed.
Violence dressed up as 'legitimate concerns' is not legitimate or proportional action.
You're assuming that I don't have members of my family who can be subject to attack because of their presentation.
One of my (male) children routinely goes out dressed in what is considered 'women's clothing' and gets harassed by various 'numbskulls' for that.
I have trans friends (in both directions) I'm not unaware, or indifferent to the prejudices, and harassments they face either.
But using personal anecdote can often (but not always) be used to close down a more generalised debate.
I could go on about the awful abuse and trauma that I and so many.other women have suffered at the hands of male bodied people, to beef up my argument for everyone needing to be more understanding around women wanting to preserve their female only spaces.
In order to garner more sympathy for that 'cause'.
But I don't, because that's just results in tit for tat 'hierachy of suffering' back and forth.
When it's clear that all most of us want is a big reduction of violence (in all its forms) done to everyone all round.
But who does (the vast majority of) that violence, and social control through threat of violence.?
If we are to work together on that harm reduction, then you can't just shut down anyone expressing their fears - however 'foolish' or 'uneducated' you might consider those fears.
Especially if they're expressing fears about their own safety, however erroneous that fear may be in your (or even my) view...
..well you can shut them down, but imo it doesn't actually help anything to truly progress in the long run.
It just polarises the whole issue further - which in turn plays into the hands of those who have a vested interested in wanting to see that violence and it's social control structures continue.