Yes. To distinguish those who are genuinely trans from those using it as a vehicle for hatred.
Well OK. I'll reread what you said, and consider it in that context.
Here's the current form. You need £5 and documentation. At present, you need 2 reports written by 2 different medical doctors or a medical doctor and a clinical psychologist. The reports need to confirm that you have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. You also need to provide evidence of living in your gender for the last 2 years. This system is sound and ensures that only those who are truly trans get a GRC.
Thanks. You'll understand that I know the system inside out and backwards. Here's the thing, the political promise is two years. Even before the pandemic waiting lists were 5 to 6 years, now they are more like 7.
So I think you are going to have to concede that transition in the UK, is not filling out a form - that's oft repeated trope. The people who say it are those captured by the mischaracterisations of trans lives, and the failed political system that underpins it.
However, as you know, this has been portrayed as draconian (even genocidal by some of the more hysterical end of the activists) and the resistance to the Scottish GRC Bill is that it changes the process to require just the fee and a statement that you have been living as your new gender for 3 months (6 if you are 16 or 17). If this change goes ahead then the system changes to exactly what I stated - fill in a form and change your legal sex. No safeguards. No evidence required.
It is draconian. At the time of the 2004 Act (actually passed into law in 2003 - so some twenty years ago) the World Health Organisation were speaking of 'gender dysphoria' and had it listed as a mental disorder. Since then expert medical opinion is that gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder, and that wherever it comes from, it is not a diagnosable condition and not treatable as a mental disorder.
Accordingly other countries have dropped it, but the UK is continuing with it, (noting the Scottish Bill as I type that).
The political situation is that although promises were made in 2004, there never has been sufficient resource to implement that promise made in law. The queues grow longer and longer, some go private, some give up and somehow survive, some move abroad, some take their own lives. Now there are some people who call these 'lifestyle choices', but they are not. Transition is driven by desperation - the human instinct for survival, but when help doesn't arrive, we see increasing levels of that trauma impacting mental health, self-harm, and suicide, or attempts thereof.
I don't know how you describe that as anything other than draconian. That doesn't mean that the UK is the worst in the world, and I know we can always point to other countries that are worse.
The next point is that, there have been two all party select committee reviews that have taken evidence and opinions from all interested parties, considered that evidence in a respectful way, and both times, it led to recommendations. In the case of the last committee they proposed to the then government that a change to some system of self-Id is needed. The government accepted the findings and stated that they would be implemented. And now since a change of party leader, the promise is undone. It is difficult to justify this as a democratic action, because it isn't. The country have not elected Sunak, or any members of his cabinet to those positions. So again we have a draconian system in place due to autocratic decision made at cabinet level against a backdrop of a government clinging to Johnson's manifesto despite that manifesto not including the actions they are taking.
Draconian system perpetuated by an autocratic government does not enhance lives. So of course people are angry, because people have been made angry.
I've written very little by way of personal opinion on this thread, despite Aurora's claims. I write checkable truths, often with quotes and links that are dismissed by her as nonsense, since the truth gets in the way of her false narrative.
You can find the truth yourself if you are not persuaded by one side of the debate or the other. To me only the truth matters, when the situation is framed in truth we can have a respectful conversation, but until then it is not possible.
What gender critical people have is a wish list, with trans lives eradication central to their desire. On the other hand trans people have their human rights. If there is any trumping of rights, it is the supposed wishes of a greater number trumping the rights of a smaller group - that is not how equality and inclusion work. By definition 'genocide' is not a comfortable fit for the intentions of gender critical people, and 'cultural genocide' is not quite the comfortable fit either, and having no status in international law. Nevertheless the threat to this group is egregious.
This trans woman employed by the local church speaks out about the the three trans people who have taken their own lives in that one church district alone. i can imagine the pile on she faces now for speaking the truth.
Hold on ... looking for a different source.