Gender again. Sorry!

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Anti vax? Nothing more unscientific than thinking you can change sex, and yet here we are.

Mainstream news outlets in the US are reluctant to cover transgender issues with anything but a positive spin. The Associated Press guide on how to write about transgender issues calls puberty blockers fully reversible, says use 'assigned sex', says journalists should call having to compete as your birth sex being 'banned from women's teams', and to basically not mention if someone is transgender at all unless it is the centre of the story. Oh, and don't feel obliged to give a balancing view.

When the New York Times published a couple of very moderate stories reporting concerns about the affirmative model and looking at puberty blockers they received a backlash that went on for months. Just asking questions is considered an anti-trans agenda now.

You complain when independent outlets pick up stories others won't touch but, for example, no mainstream news outlets have covered this week's conviction of transactivist Dana Rivers for a triple murder.

Of course, you prefer Pink News. The owner of which is married to a former trustee of Mermaids, and which has something like 400 stories about J K Rowling on its website. It's as much a single issue outlet as the ones I refer to.

Also, you didn't do much due diligence yourself when you proudly posted your paedophile adjacent, 'adult baby diaper lover' cartoonist.


Legendary Member
You are portraying surgical intervention and hormone therapy as being essential. Yet this has only been available very very recently, which to me suggests that surgical intervention and hormone therapy may not be the magic wand that they are being out to be. In rare cases I suppose it might be the only solution, but I do think all avenues need to be explored as to why someone is so unhappy with themselves that they can only see surgical and medicinal intervention as the solution.

I'm really absolutely not. I am reporting that the queues for first appointments at a GIC are longer than the two year minimum statutory period for transition. There is no requirement for hormone therapy or for any surgery. The requirement is for living in role fully and satisfactorily for two years, usually with some expectation of doing something such as counselling if necessary or having facial hair removal treatments. Not all applications for a GRC are accepted on first application.


Just your usual bla, Aurora.

I don't think people can change sex, you idiot. The clue is in the word: transgender.

Your claim that no MSM is the US report trans critical stories is just risible.

The baby cartoon was a cartoon. Not a so-called news report. It was making a point that could be either accepted on its merits, or not. Whoever drew it is utterly irrelevant, but so typically you that you fixate on it for a cheap point.

So let's take your 'independent outlet' on its merits. It doesn't have any. It pushes out anti-trans propaganda, using known transphobia slurs like 'trans identified man', and curiously nobody else anywhere seems to have heard of any of the so-called stories it pumps out. Obviously a conspiracy theorist such as yourself is going to say that there is a conspiracy in the MSM to prevent publication of these 'stories'. The rest of us know that the stories are made up.

Do you apply the same complete lack of critical thought to everything you read on the Internet?

You are so utterly captured you can't even see the end of your own nose.


Legendary Member
It is a diagnosable condition.

Only if you call reporting that the person reports the same ongoing symptoms over a period of time. There is no diagnostic test. As I said before Vulcan mind-melding is not available on the NHS. The diagnosis is simply the individual saying 'still like it' for two years. Yet the system likes to employ 'specialists' to do that, whereas a GP could perform the same function very easily.
Just your usual bla, Aurora. I don't think people can change sex, you idiot. The clue is in the word: transgender.
You said transwomen were a subset of women. Which isn't scientifically possible.

Your claim that no MSM is the US report trans critical stories is just risible.
Yet moderate reporting in a couple of cautious articles in the NY Times results in outrage. No wonder smaller outlets don't want to cover the issues or are afraid to criticise.
So let's take your 'independent outlet' on its merits. It doesn't have any. It pushes out anti-trans propaganda, using known transphobia slurs like 'trans identified man', and curiously nobody else anywhere seems to have heard of any of the so-called stories it pumps out.
The fact that you call an accurate term transphobic suggests you aren't really interested in truthful journalism. Most of their news stories are picked up from small local news sites - where there is less pressure to ignore negative transgender stories.
Obviously a conspiracy theorist such as yourself is going to say that there is a conspiracy in the MSM to prevent publication of these 'stories'. The rest of us know that the stories are made up.
Not seen anybody sue Reduxx for lies yet like they've sued Pink News.
Do you apply the same complete lack of critical thought to everything you read on the Internet?

Nothing says 'lacks critical thought' like thinking men are a subset of women. It really is flat earth stuff.


Legendary Member
You said transwomen were a subset of women. Which isn't scientifically possible.

This is properly clownish.

Think of Xmas tree lights. They used to be connected in series, which meant if one light went out they all went out, which is kinda where your thinking is. But now in the modern world they are connected in parallel, meaning that if one light fails the rest all stay on. And nobody wants series connected tree lights anymore, except for some nutjob conspiracy theorists who think they (parallel lights) are programmed by Russia to turn everybody gay (obviously I made that bit up, or it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory would it).

You see trans as a failure. Allowing one trans woman into womanhood is the failure that causes the lights to go out.

But it isn't like that. Trans people are not failures, and even if that would be true, other women can carry on functioning like nothing has happened.

The only failure is your thinking and sense of panic.
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The fact that you call an accurate term transphobic suggests you aren't really interested in truthful journalism. Most of their news stories are picked up from small local news sites - where there is less pressure to ignore negative transgender stories.

Funny how the local news don't even seem to be reporting these fake stories, either.

What we have here from Aurora is, in essence, Trumpism. Privileging homemade Internet sites run by fanatics presenting them as the 'news' which the MSM hides, either because they are too scared (keys into idea of powerful trans mafia whose threats are so great everyone jumps to their tune...despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary) or because the MSM outlets themselves are run by dark trans forces (again, very visibly bollox)

You are a conspiricist idiot, Aurora, and you provide proof of it every time you post. You may get an ear on the transphobe sites you spend your life on, but it very visibly doesn't wash here which is why, with the possible exception of poor icow, nobody is backing you up.
Allowing one trans woman into womanhood is the failure that causes the lights to go out.
'Allowing men into womanhood...' is what this actually means. And then 'woman' as a class becomes meaningless because it includes everybody. Woman are entitled to be a specific and discrete category, with the right to organise for their own specific needs. Being a biological class 'womanhood' neither succeeds nor fails. What fails completely is any man's attempt to be part of it.
But it isn't like that. Trans people are not failures, and even if that would be true, other women can carry on functioning like nothing has happened.
Nobody has said they are failures. They just aren't women. Something has happened though. The language that describes women's unique experiences is lost, the right to define ourselves as a unique class is lost, and women have become a subset of their own sex.

What's lost by calling white people black? Or straight people gay? Quite a lot.

Funny how the local news don't even seem to be reporting these fake stories, either.
Here's a couple of locally reported stories that Reduxx picked up. They usually cite their source in their reports:

You are a conspiricist idiot, Aurora, and you provide proof of it every time you post. You may get an ear on the transphobe sites you spend your life on, but it very visibly doesn't wash here which is why, with the possible exception of poor icow, nobody is backing you up.

You're so familiarily arrogant and pompous I'm beginning to think you have a couple of accounts on here. The total number of regular contributors to NACA probably totals about 10 - 15 people, most of whom haven't posted on this thread. Your arrogance that this thread is of huge statistical significance never ceases to amaze me. There's more people on main CC talking about pedals than have contributed to this thread so why you think 'nobody is backing you up' means anything at all I have no idea.

You yourself are pretty outnumbered on the politics threads BTW, if you hadn't noticed. Nobody is backing you up much on Starmer.


Legendary Member
'Allowing men into womanhood...' is what this actually means. And then 'woman' as a class becomes meaningless because it includes everybody. Woman are entitled to be a specific and discrete category, with the right to organise for their own specific needs. Being a biological class 'womanhood' neither succeeds nor fails. What fails completely is any man's attempt to be part of it.

The word 'woman' doesn't need an electric fence around it. It's just a term of gender identity, and being as you think that gender identity is not a thing, why would you worry?

And again, trans women do not think they are biologically female, or that they change their chromosomes or DNA. However they may undergo a plug to socket conversion, and they will likely have natural breasts. And if they do, like me, they won't have ova, and unlike me they won't have female levels of testosterone - they'll be lower. But yeh, though their voices may be deeper, they may be called shrill, but now by some women instead of some men. That's prejudice for you.
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'Allowing men into womanhood...' is what this actually means. And then 'woman' as a class becomes meaningless because it includes everybody. Woman are entitled to be a specific and discrete category, with the right to organise for their own specific needs. Being a biological class 'womanhood' neither succeeds nor fails. What fails completely is any man's attempt to be part of it.

Nobody has said they are failures. They just aren't women. Something has happened though. The language that describes women's unique experiences is lost, the right to define ourselves as a unique class is lost, and women have become a subset of their own sex.

What's lost by calling white people black? Or straight people gay? Quite a lot.

Here's a couple of locally reported stories that Reduxx picked up. They usually cite their source in their reports:

You're so familiarily arrogant and pompous I'm beginning to think you have a couple of accounts on here. The total number of regular contributors to NACA probably totals about 10 - 15 people, most of whom haven't posted on this thread. Your arrogance that this thread is of huge statistical significance never ceases to amaze me. There's more people on main CC talking about pedals than have contributed to this thread so why you think 'nobody is backing you up' means anything at all I have no idea.

You yourself are pretty outnumbered on the politics threads BTW, if you hadn't noticed. Nobody is backing you up much on Starmer.
Name names!


Legendary Member
I'm really absolutely not. I am reporting that the queues for first appointments at a GIC are longer than the two year minimum statutory period for transition. There is no requirement for hormone therapy or for any surgery. The requirement is for living in role fully and satisfactorily for two years, usually with some expectation of doing something such as counselling if necessary or having facial hair removal treatments. Not all applications for a GRC are accepted on first application.
That doesn't surprise me sadly. Queues for almost all non-urgent services are now being measured closer to years than months, and I agree with you that that should not be the case. People in this position I would imagine, are seeking help because they want it now, not in a couple of years time.

I was surprised that you think this could be done by a GP, but you have much more on the ground knowledge of this area than I. I, like I suspect most people would, would have though that the person would need to be spending time with a medical consultant or his/her/their team to obtain the diagnosis and ongoing care and therapy that might be needed. Indeed looking at the GIC as just one example, their team is made up of a large number of Clinical Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists and Gender Identity Specialists which suggests that more specialist knowledge might be needed than that which a GP is in possession of. Additionally the minimum documentation standard is for 2 medical reports from 2 different UK registered medical doctors, or one doctor and a Clinical Psychologist.


Legendary Member
You are a conspiricist idiot, Aurora, and you provide proof of it every time you post. You may get an ear on the transphobe sites you spend your life on, but it very visibly doesn't wash here which is why, with the possible exception of poor icow, nobody is backing you up.
And you are a rude polemicist so in love with his own voice that he isn't interested in actual debate, understanding counter arguments or willing to engage in discussion in good faith, preferring instead to behave just like your beloved Trump in bullying and harassing people into silence and only positing that you yourself can be right in any situation. Your insecurities are belied by your desire to mock and put down anyone who has a different view to you.

I see you still haven't mastered typing. Maybe put those socks on your bedroom floor away (make sure they are washed first) and do some keyboard practice?
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