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Legendary Member
It is not a credible source of information. I'm amazed you even think there is anything to discuss here. This is basic media literacy.

It is entirely unaccountable. There is no way of verifying any of its output. It is completely uncorroborated, and to be frank, given the singular nature of its output and its stated intentions I somehow doubt journalistic integrity is high up on its agenda.
As I said - I agree with you. I don't think it is a useful or helpful source of information for the exact reasons you mention.

What are we going to start believing next? Antivaxx sites? The mere fact that Aurora posts up this stuff is symbolic of how far down the rabbit hole she has gone.
No - I think it's just that she hasn't taken the time to look in depth at the site. Not everyone is information sceptical.

Here you go, icow, have a read of this:
fark off prick? Still can't manage to type properly?
Some of it must be true, right?
OK - here's a paragraph from the latest issue:-
Bringing a new medicine to market typically takes around ten years, but under intense political pressure, MHRA gave conditional marketing authorisation for the covid-19 treatments after less than one year of clinical trials.
That is, I think true. In fact a lot of the article is based on nuggets of truth but strung together and interpreted in a way to present those kernels as a conspiracy theory.


Reading around the chip
a lot of the article is based on nuggets of truth but strung together and interpreted in a way to present those kernels as a conspiracy theory.

Yes, that's how it always works.

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
Big end. Has to be. End of. I don't see how there could possibly be any dispute about it. That's where the air cell is. Collapse the shell with a soft tap or two of the spoon and you can get straight in with thumb and index finger to peel the shell away. The air cell gifts you a route under the critical membrane so you're not gouging out chunks of set albumen as you go. A bit of care and you have the gleaming white glans of your boiled egg lustrously presented, set coy in a collar of neatly nibbled shell, atremble for the first plunge of the spoon and pursuant buttery soldiers.

Anyone who says different is coming from a whole other world of twattishness.


Legendary Member
Some people just need to take a proper gander at the propaganda.

It's ought be clear to anybody with just a cursory glimpse of the content that the Aurora linked website Reduxx is a trans hate site with a pretence of feminism by wearing a mask.


Legendary Member
Rational response to somebody shortening your username by cutting it in half, much?
Rational response to a bully who continues to insult me despite being told repeatedly that that was what he was doing, in the absence of intelligent discussion.

So as I said - go tidy your room and come out when you can be nice to people.


Legendary Member
It's ought be clear to anybody with just a cursory glimpse of the content that the Aurora linked website Reduxx is a trans hate site with a pretence of feminism by wearing a mask.
But it also should be clear that there are some nuggets of truth there and that we cannot entirely rule out that the things in those stories happened even if it wasn't in the way that it was reported.

For example their top news story is about MP Joanna Cherry receiving death threats. The BBC have reported the same story but not named the person who sent the threats. Reduxx appears to have found the tweets and identified that they come from a trans activist, synthetic sylvie who makes trans porn and identifies as a woman, and the reason for the threats appears to be that Joanna Cherry spoke up about the importyance of maintaing the definition of biological sex within the Equality Act.,


Reading around the chip
But it also should be clear that there are some nuggets of truth there and that we cannot entirely rule out that the things in those stories happened even if it wasn't in the way that it was reported.

As you've almost said yourself upthread, the framing matters. I 'liked' a funny video that someone shared in Facebook, of a guy who picked someone's pocket then noticed he was on security camera so he made an elaborate performance of not really meaning it. However, when I clicked through to the page that shared it, it was a page dedicated to framing immigrants as an alien criminal menace (the guy in the video was South Asian). These things matter. There are often viral scare stories aimed at women about a supposed spate of a particular sex-attack M.O. or suchlike - get in your car after supermarket shopping and a rapist is hiding in your back seat etc. You don't have to think it's made up to think it's a bad idea to try and make women perpetually afraid, especially of things that are unlikely to happen to them.


Legendary Member
But it also should be clear that there are some nuggets of truth there and that we cannot entirely rule out that the things in those stories happened even if it wasn't in the way that it was reported.

For example their top news story is about MP Joanna Cherry receiving death threats. The BBC have reported the same story but not named the person who sent the threats. Reduxx appears to have found the tweets and identified that they come from a trans activist, synthetic sylvie who makes trans porn and identifies as a woman, and the reason for the threats appears to be that Joanna Cherry spoke up about the importyance of maintaing the definition of biological sex within the Equality Act.,

Every politician gets on-line abuse and death threats everyday. The most abused MP is said to be Dianne Abbott, but the abuse is not trans people. Otherwise, as we must all surely know, is that people without a cause but love a fight, just turn up wherever they think the action is, football match, fox hunt, whatever.

I doubt the UK police will get anywhere being as this particular nutjob is in the US. Where we can agree is that the toxicity has become excessive on both sides due to absolutists with excessive behaviours. The warfare remains asymmetric though - there is much more violence committed against trans people than committed by them - that's not just an opinion.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Big end. Has to be. End of. I don't see how there could possibly be any dispute about it. That's where the air cell is. Collapse the shell with a soft tap or two of the spoon and you can get straight in with thumb and index finger to peel the shell away. The air cell gifts you a route under the critical membrane so you're not gouging out chunks of set albumen as you go. A bit of care and you have the gleaming white glans of your boiled egg lustrously presented, set coy in a collar of neatly nibbled shell, atremble for the first plunge of the spoon and pursuant buttery soldiers.

Anyone who says different is coming from a whole other world of twattishness.

You forgot the salt.


Rational response to a bully who continues to insult me despite being told repeatedly that that was what he was doing, in the absence of intelligent discussion.

So as I said - go tidy your room and come out when you can be nice to people.

Insulted by half your own name.

This is your baggage, not mine.

Grow the fùck up.

Let it go.


You forgot the salt.

I mean, not really resolving the issue is it. Looks to be making a caricature of entrenched positions whilst affording oneself the luxury of not, in any way, stating where oneself sits, even if it is within a range, because we don't want to subject ourself to scrutiny.

Smacks of sneering mockery from a position of cowardice, which, if we are honest, we can all do.

Bit, um, teenage, for want of a better word.

Ian H

Legendary Member
I mean, not really resolving the issue is it. Looks to be making a caricature of entrenched positions whilst affording oneself the luxury of not, in any way, stating where oneself sits, even if it is within a range, because we don't want to subject ourself to scrutiny.

Smacks of sneering mockery from a position of cowardice, which, if we are honest, we can all do.

Bit, um, teenage, for want of a better word.
Well... I've never been an eggy soldier man myself.
He also forgot the pepper.
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