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Deleted member 121

Some people just need to take a proper gander at the propaganda.

It's ought be clear to anybody with just a cursory glimpse of the content that the Aurora linked website Reduxx is a trans hate site with a pretence of feminism by wearing a mask.

Well, I've looked at it and quickly concluded that i am wasting time that i will never get back. It is nearly all about trans. Is that really the measure of feminist news today? Or just that website?

Besides, reduxx appears to have a similar popularity and traffic figure as A website about canned sweetcorn amongst other food and a unsurprisingly a green giant with clothes made out of leaves the poor bastard.


To view a website constructed in some fanatic's bedroom as in any way credible, authoritative or meaningful is to provide a portal into the inner workings of one's mind.

And as you suggest, it is in no way removed from believing in the Jolly Green Giant.
The transwoman triple murderer mentioned earlier has been moved to a women's prison as of yesterday.

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Male bodied triple killer, who the judge said was responsible for one of the most horrific crimes they'd tried - the murder of 2 women and their son - is sent to serve their sentence amongst women .... and Classic's concern is about the date. Disappointed they weren't driven straight there on the 14th presumably.


Legendary Member
Male bodied triple killer, who the judge said was responsible for one of the most horrific crimes they'd tried - the murder of 2 women and their son - is sent to serve their sentence amongst women .... and Classic's concern is about the date. Disappointed they weren't driven straight there on the 14th presumably.

Central California Women's Facility is the place where they place women who have killed women also women serial killers. It is death row for some female prisoners. It is not a 'safe space' for women. Dana Rivers does not have a penis. I'm not saying this is the best placement for Rivers because I don't know, but I put it to you that you don't know either, and the context of prisoner and prisoner placement is important to the story. I think it's important to know this before a picture is painted of a 'man' imprisoned with vulnerable women. I doubt that Rivers is in for an easy time. The risk assessment must inform the risk to other prisoners, the prisoner, and staff. There's no comment from me about the risks without sight of the risk assessment. Show the risk assessment.'s_Facility
There's been no death penalty in California since 2019. There is no death row. Adult male triple murderer in a women's prison. That's the common sense risk assessment right there. Not having a penis doesn't mitigate the risk. The actual risk assessment isn't available to the general public so I'll guess we'll never know if a psychopathic triple killer, who has already killed 2 women and knifed a teenager to death is dangerous to women. We just can't tell.


Legendary Member
There's been no death penalty in California since 2019. There is no death row. Adult male triple murderer in a women's prison. That's the common sense risk assessment right there. Not having a penis doesn't mitigate the risk. The actual risk assessment isn't available to the general public so I'll guess we'll never know if a psychopathic triple killer, who has already killed 2 women and knifed a teenager to death is dangerous to women. We just can't tell.

Male bodied triple killer, who the judge said was responsible for one of the most horrific crimes they'd tried - the murder of 2 women and their son - is sent to serve their sentence amongst women .... and Classic's concern is about the date. Disappointed they weren't driven straight there on the 14th presumably.
She wasn't transferred to the women's prison, she was sentenced to 150 years without any chance of parole.

You're putting your twist on what was posted.

Your concern isn't for those she killed, or who they left behind, but the fact that she was sentenced to a women's prison. As, presumably the judge and the law, said she should serve those 150 years.


There's been no death penalty in California since 2019. There is no death row.

Absolute bollox.

How typical of you not to understand anything. There is still the death penalty in California, there are still inmates on Death Row. There is a Death Row in this woman's prison.

Just because nobody has been executed for 17 years, and confirmed by a moratorium for the last 4 years does not mean there is no death penalty.,-Listen%C2%B7%204%3A43&text=Sullivan%2FGetty%20Images-,California's%20San%20Quentin%20prison%20houses%20the%20state's%20only%20death%20row,women%20will%20soon%20be%20dismantled

There's no death row per se anymore. All 'death row' prisoners are gradually being moved into the general population. We'll never know for sure exactly where this male triple killer is within the women's prison though because with self ID it relies on other prisoners letting the outside world know what's going on - and the mainstream press aren't touching these stories, which means they never happen according to your logic.

I wouldn't argue with the ending of death row segregation within sexed prisons, but the gymnastics being done here to justify a male triple killer in a women's jail is quite something.
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There's no death row per se anymore. All 'death row' prisoners are gradually being moved into the general population. We'll never know for sure exactly where this male triple killer is within the women's prison though because with self ID it relies on other prisoners letting the outside world know what's going on - and the mainstream press aren't touching these stories, which means they never happen according to your logic.

As usual a misrepresentation. Your stock in trade.

You've just been caught chatting sh1t about the death penalty in California....Still are actually, because it still exists, as does death row, as do the people with death sentences who inhabit it.

I wouldn't argue with the ending of death row segregation within sexed prisons, but the gymnastics being done here to justify a male triple killer in a women's jail is quite something.

As far as I can see nobody here is trying to justify it. Voices in the head, again?

Monkers is making the same point I made weeks ago, that, by definition, prisons are problematic places and prisoners are problematic people. As she says, this woman's prison houses women who have killed women. According to your simplistic view they must be just as much of a threat as this TW, even though you ignore it. You like to try and define threat from your armchair, but the truth is it has to be calculated on a case by case basis by the experienced people on site who are in a position to weigh up the details.

Not by some armchair bigot trying to bend every situation to fit her own little obsessive campaign.
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