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Ian H

Legendary Member
I don't think that's fair at all. @AuroraSaab's concern which is echoed across social media is that *some* men who claim to be "transitioning" are doing so to gain access or act out their perversions. It tends to be girls / women who have regret as the surgery they undergo is far, far more invasive than that which men undergo - and many transwomen choose not to have surgery at all.

You seem to be confused about terminology.

Also, from one of AS's links - "Now, in a rare move for someone who has transitioned".


Reading around the chip
You can provide similar for boys that felt they were wrong to feel they were wrong when they decided to de-transition.

Otherwise your claims are all one sided.

Classic making a phenomenal effort to be even more tiresome in this this thread than Aurora with his What About The Menz routine.


Legendary Member
Classic making a phenomenal effort to be even more tiresome in this this thread than Aurora with his What About The Menz routine.

I agree with you on everything else, but not this one. It's essential to consider both cases. Otherwise, let's say we are talking about the Tavistock Centre, there will be those arguing that its closure was essential for the protections of natal girls, which would make its closure a loss for natal boys, and with no care for that consequence.

The 'what about the menz' routine is used by those who only want to talk about the men - I don't happen to think that Classic is one of them, since he has said plenty in defence of trans women too, a category that as far as any of us know, he isn't a member.
The 'what about the menz' routine is used by those who only want to talk about the men - I don't happen to think that Classic is one of them, since he has said plenty in defence of trans women too.....
Defending transwomen is 'talking about the menz'.

Whilst the effects of cross sex hormones on girls and women are more obvious - facial hair, baldness - it seems like there is a community for detransitioned women to fall back into, whether it's the lesbian community or just other women. I think men who have had surgery and later detransitioned find it very difficult to fit in anywhere. Far more research needed, and far more support needs to be in place.


Legendary Member
Defending transwomen is 'talking about the menz'.

Oh fark off. You bang on about people not respecting women's dignity, but you show no respect for other people. It's never one-sided - it's just further evidence of your bigotry on display, yet again.


Reading around the chip
The 'what about the menz' routine is used by those who only want to talk about the men - I don't happen to think that Classic is one of them

We'll have to agree to disagree on that then. Not to say he doesn't want to talk about women, but when he does it's mostly about women serial killers.


Legendary Member
We'll have to agree to disagree on that then. Not to say he doesn't want to talk about women, but when he does it's mostly about women serial killers.

We don't have to agree on this one point when we mostly agree otherwise. I happen to think that Classic tends to use examples that show the limits of Aurora's restricted thinking.

Otherwise we tend all might tend to use examples from our own lives and lived experiences - I most certainly have.


Reading around the chip
We don't have to agree on this one point when we mostly agree otherwise. I happen to think that Classic tends to use examples that show the limits of Aurora's restricted thinking.

Otherwise we tend all might tend to use examples from our own lives and lived experiences - I most certainly have.

It's being going on a lot longer than Aurora's current monomania, which dates to, what, 2015 at the earliest?
'Let's not tell women to move over for blokes' = monomania.


Legendary Member
Oh fark off. You bang on about people not respecting women's dignity, but you show no respect for other people. It's never one-sided - it's just further evidence of your bigotry on display, yet again.
Come on monkers, there's a little bit of Pot and Kettle here.


Master of the Inane Comment
It would be a mistake though to think that the 1861 Act is protection of the rights of a fetus; it was to protect woman from dangerous amateur procedures.

Sorry to go back to the archives.

German basic law treats the unborn as a person with certain rights from conception. Bear in mind this was to prevent the contempt for life under the Hitler regime. Abortion is therefore illegal, but is not punishable if certain conditions are met.

Now I assume you wouldn't agree with this viewpoint, but my point is you cannot use law to decide this. If the unborn have a right to life this exists irrespective of whether the law recognises this or not.

I have the same view of GRC's. A transitioned male may legally be deemed female, and claim a right to be treated so, but to my mind this does not change the fact that such a person remains male, and their womanhood is a legal fiction. This matters when it comes to things like sport or those whose conscience won't let them use fake pronouns.

Similarly with WHO classifications. Changing categories does not change the underlying reality. If transgenderism is a disorder it remains so regardless of activists' success in pretending it isn't.

Now it might be for some this is a disorder, but others simply look at the opposite sex and decide that is what they want to be. If they do so they cannot imo demand everyone else has to go along with this as though it is a right.
In your head maybe but to me Heather and Luna, the two I know personally, are women and have every right to be treated as such.

What does 'treating someone as a woman' mean Bromptonaut? Can you give me some examples? How do you treat women differently to males?

In situations where sex doesn't matter, I would expect transwomen to be treated just the same as anybody else. In the small but important number of situations where sex does matter I would expect them to be treated as men, because their birth sex is relevant.

You can't consent for others btw, especially in matters that affect others but cost you nothing.
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