Legendary Member
In personal interaction I would use their actual name. Otherwise 'they' and 'them'. If they asked me outright I'd say that we remain the sex we are born. I don't think you have the right to demand what pronouns people use for you, though obviously you can use preferred pronouns for them if you wish. It would be asking people to lie and tacitly endorse an ideology they don't subscribe to.
People on here have no issue using 'cis' about others even though some find it offensive. I don't think they should be compelled not to use it, even out of politeness.
So in one breath it's all about respect and dignity for women, and in the next breath it's all about the rights of women to disrespect others. Look I get it, you're just a bigot making the same bigoted arguments as other bigots.
These assumed rights to disrespect are framed as personal freedoms and freedom of speech - which to people who know and understand human rights is just bigoted bolleaux.
There is nothing offensive about 'cis' but some bigots like to pretend that there is.
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