Gender again. Sorry!

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You might want to consider what you are contributing to, including children ending up on a medical and surgical pathway and a hostile environment for gay kids.

Deleted member 159

Saw a recent survey of attitudes of trans people who had undergone surgery. Very few regretted, and even fewer detransitioned

The research from USA where this craze started indicates higher incidence of suicide post transition surgery.


You might want to consider what you are contributing to, including children ending up on a medical and surgical pathway and a hostile environment for gay kids.


The hostile environment for gay kids comes from the homophobia that has always existed, but also the neo-homophobia from the transphobes (ie your lot) with their gradual unpicking of LGBTQ rights.

I've yet to encourage anyone to transition. What I will do is tackle those who actively seek to make the lives of trans people worse (ie your lot)
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Legendary Member
How can you say S. Wood is not a transwoman? They fulfil the only criteria you have ever demanded, which is to say 'I am a woman.

I had said let 'us women say we are women'. Stephen Wood is legally male. You might notice, I tend to follow the law. To have the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, the first step is to tell the GP. Had Stephen Wood said to their GP, 'I'm trans and I intend to start transition beforehand, that would be one thing. But he hadn't, or legally changed name. He had cross-dressed, but that is something many men do without saying 'I am a woman'. Stephen Wood is rather like you, highly manipulative.
I had said let 'us women say we are women'. Stephen Wood is legally male. You might notice, I tend to follow the law. To have the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, the first step is to tell the GP. Had Stephen Wood said to their GP, 'I'm trans and I intend to start transition beforehand, that would be one thing. But he hadn't, or legally changed name. He had cross-dressed, but that is something many men do without saying 'I am a woman'. Stephen Wood is rather like you, highly manipulative.

This is just linguistic gymnastics lol. You don't have to see a GP, or take meds, or do anything to have the protected characteristic of gender reassignment (quite rightly). There's no hierarchy of being transgender. 'Proposing to undergo a process' is enough and 'You can be at any stage of your transition' are the actual words in the Equality Act.


Legendary Member
This is just linguistic gymnastics lol. You don't have to see a GP, or take meds, or do anything to have the protected characteristic of gender reassignment (quite rightly). There's no hierarchy of being transgender. 'Proposing to undergo a process' is enough and 'You can be at any stage of your transition' are the actual words in the Equality Act.

I'm happy with your quote, but who do you think they should propose this to:
a) their GP
b) an arresting officer

Transvestites are not protected if they are not also trans (i.e. cross dressing is not motivated by a desire to live with a different gender to the one they were assigned at birth). However, they may be protected if they are discriminated against because they are perceived as being trans.
For the purposes of the Equality Act, which is intended to prevent discrimination (except where allowed in limited circumstances), they don't need to announce it to anyone. They only need to prove it was a factor in being discriminated against.

For practical purposes, what's the difference between a transvestite and a transwoman? Other than one says 'I'm a woman' and the other doesn't. How do we tell?

I find this determination to show some sort of transwoman hierarchy fascinating. GRC holders at the top, transvestite trans-faking sex offenders at the bottom presumably.

Deleted member 121

A very brief look here and im fascinated with these claims and posts from the past 12 months. It's only because i remembered another claim icowden made that i decided to seek clarification.

I worked in Community Children's Services for 12 years, so am reasonably familiar with the process.

These two quote are from the other place:
That's just unfair. I worked as an NHS Medical Secretary for 15 years.

I've worked with patient records for 30 years and in NHS data for 14 years, including programmes involving the National Spine and multiple different electronic patient record

And then...
Do you work in data? I work in software design and database management. The programming would not have been biased. That would be utterly pointless. There will be a
mapping and there will likely be something which ensures that no null data can be recorded.
If we take the NHS for example, we have a situation where payscales are decided nationally. They do not take into account the market. Thus for the majority of IT projects, the NHS pays a secondary supplier to run a project. The NHS cannot retain IT workers as the rates are so far below the market.
I have seen a lot of wastage in the NHS because contracts are weak or due dilligence isn't performed well.......
But then I wouldn't have had a job for the last 12 years. So I'm good.

You also said you were 46 in 2022 by mathematical deduction
Didn't cycle again until about 16 years ago (so aged about 30)
so im assuming you're 47 now?

That's quite the varied career for 47. I presume you started your NHS career aged 5 years old?

Sorry for the brief interlude in the thread, but when claims are made to justify ones position or argument, i think clarification should be made.
Well, in an up to a point Lord Copper sort of sense, that's not wholly off beam.

But if 'You are who you say you are' and gender identity is innate (I'm assuming you believe this. If not perhaps you can explain what you do believe), then no-one can be more 'woman' than anyone else, surely?

When they are in womens personal spaces how do we tell the difference?

I expect they'll tell you if you need to know.

Somehow I don't think they would.
Do you think being housed in a women's domestic violence refuge or turning up to do a disabled girl's intimate care would be a circumstance where it might be useful for women to know? But again, how would we know they are telling the truth?


@HMS_Dave I'm thinking maybe some of those different job titles amount to the same job. "Working in/for" means very little in an organisation the size of the NHS, but the aim seems to be to try and lend some sort of credibility or expression of knowledge and expertise in icow's posts.

The impression I get is that he is an IT project manager for the NHS which, AIUI, doesn't necessarily involve much working knowledge of IT, healthcare, or indeed data.

He certainly knows FA about statistics, so I'm going to guess he is an arts or humanities graduate who has found a niche in project management, because engineering or science would require a decent understanding of numbers.
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