Stephen Wood was considered by other prisoners as not trans but a fake. I think the timing of Wood's declaration of a trans identity makes that plausible.
Oh dear. Dead naming someone? That's very bad form. Worse than the afternoon you spent misgendering your friend after telling us they were a they/them? Probably not.
How can there be 'fake trans' - if 'Stephen' says they are a woman, according to you they are a woman. Their gender identity is innate, Monica, and we must respect that surely? I'm afraid you must very much claim ownership of all these individuals for the transwoman community.
And if children know they are trans, as you claim, surely an adult male sex offender knows 'she' is trans? No double standards here, please.
This is you rejecting gender incongruence as a thing, attempting to reframe it as a mental health disease. This is your own cruelty that you can not recognise. Writing millions of words of self-justification for it doesn't dull my sense of who you are.
Gender and body dysphoria is a thing. It's a mental health condition. And it resolves on its own in most children by adulthood. There may be a small number of adults in whom it persists and for whom drugs, or even surgery, may be the only thing that relieves their mental distress.
There are however also many adults for whom wearing the clothes etc of the opposite sex is a fetish. But as you say there is no diagnosis for being trans - so well now we have to include all these men, and they are almost always men, in the 'transgender' group. This is what your position leads to.
If it wasn't a mental health condition no-one would ever detransition. And yet they do, especially young women. Unfortunately for some of them the physical damage has already been done.