It couldn't possibly be that science and medicine have become politicised, changes brought about by transactivists campaigning for 'rights'? Multitool alluded to this earlier.Gender identity is innate' is not a claim of transactivists. It is the statement made by the World Health Organisation.
This can be a classic case of where self ID and truth/reality clash!I deny the existence of a God and demand that you are stripped of your human rights to self ID as a Christian
This is already happening. A teacher Joshua Sutcliffe has lost his job and been banned from teaching for at least two years for 'misgendering' a pupil.
A teaching assistant Kristie Higgs lost her job as a teaching assistant having commented on social media against the gender ideology being taught to young children. At least in her case she recently won a court case against this, where religious beliefs are also a protected characteristic. Ironically a C of E school who ought to know better. (They don't because currently the C of E is in free fall into apostasy.)
So much for tolerance, diversity and inclusion. The teacher in the 'cat' thing upstream showed the same totalitarian mindset.
Isn't it extraordinary that saying marriage is between a man and a woman for life, and/or knowing what those words mean, is becoming a revolutionary act. It's how the race continued and flourished from the beginning!