Gender again. Sorry!

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Master of the Inane Comment
Gender identity is innate' is not a claim of transactivists. It is the statement made by the World Health Organisation.
It couldn't possibly be that science and medicine have become politicised, changes brought about by transactivists campaigning for 'rights'? Multitool alluded to this earlier.
I deny the existence of a God and demand that you are stripped of your human rights to self ID as a Christian
This can be a classic case of where self ID and truth/reality clash!

This is already happening. A teacher Joshua Sutcliffe has lost his job and been banned from teaching for at least two years for 'misgendering' a pupil.

A teaching assistant Kristie Higgs lost her job as a teaching assistant having commented on social media against the gender ideology being taught to young children. At least in her case she recently won a court case against this, where religious beliefs are also a protected characteristic. Ironically a C of E school who ought to know better. (They don't because currently the C of E is in free fall into apostasy.)

So much for tolerance, diversity and inclusion. The teacher in the 'cat' thing upstream showed the same totalitarian mindset.

Isn't it extraordinary that saying marriage is between a man and a woman for life, and/or knowing what those words mean, is becoming a revolutionary act. It's how the race continued and flourished from the beginning!


Legendary Member
Isn't it extraordinary that saying marriage is between a man and a woman for life, and/or knowing what those words mean, is becoming a revolutionary act. It's how the race continued and flourished from the beginning!

Who officiated at the marriage of Adam and Eve?

Adam and Eve had three sons, and yet we are all descended from them. Sure thing that.

Sex is biological, anything else is nonsense. Mary had an immaculate conception.

I could keep going.

I hope you detected that my tongue was in my cheek saying that I demand you be stripped of your faith. My point it that your belief means that if you are made happy believing this stuff and wish to live your life by it, that's a matter for you and nothing to do with me. I can respect it.

What I can't respect is Christian folk believing they have the right to tell others what shape their life should take. You have rights over your life, but they don't hold sway over the lives of others. The Word is said to be in the bible, but rights are written in the law.


@multitool needs to work harder on his guesses. I know quite a lot about statistics but am not a statistician. That said, I feel at this point the need to remind you that we should disregard anything he says because he is a bullying cvnt busy smearing his own shite up the walls as usual.

I don't think you do know much. I think you think you do, but you don't. There is such a lack of rigour, and basic flaws in your understanding that I know you have little or no formal training. Amirite?

As I said, if indeed you are a graduate then no way is it in any sort of science/maths based subject. It's arts and/or humanities for sure. So go on, tell me I'm wrong since you've said I'm neither perceptive or bright. (Which, by implication means that you feel you are)

You probably want to read your own posts sometime, by the way, especially the swearing and personal abuse and weigh it up against any from me towards you.
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Deleted member 121

I typed up the referrals to CAHMS. I organised, attended and minuted the multi-disciplinary meetings and booked follow-ups. I typed the letters to the parents explaining about the long wait. I typed up the developmental assessments where autism was suspected, prior to those referral letters being written as the Consultant Paed was not then able to give a formal diagnosis (at that time it was the province of CAHMS - As I said - I think this has now changed.

I feel that "being reasonably familiar with the process" isn't that much of a long shot.

I could add that my father was quite severly autistic (high functioning) as is my nephew. I would probably have been diagnosed with autism if I were a child today. Instead, I was considered odd and generally ostracised (to a degree self imposed as my social skills were not great and I hadn't learned to mask as much).

Is that enough for you?

You sound like an excellent typist and data entry clerk. A credit to you and the NHS.

However, i remain unconvinced that you qualify to dismiss and question others as you are not a qualified mental health professional or similar.

So yes, that does somewhat clear things up for me and i can continue to read and base responses based upon this.


It couldn't possibly be that science and medicine have become politicised, changes brought about by transactivists campaigning for 'rights'? Multitool alluded to this earlier.

This can be a classic case of where self ID and truth/reality clash!

This is already happening. A teacher Joshua Sutcliffe has lost his job and been banned from teaching for at least two years for 'misgendering' a pupil.

A teaching assistant Kristie Higgs lost her job as a teaching assistant having commented on social media against the gender ideology being taught to young children. At least in her case she recently won a court case against this, where religious beliefs are also a protected characteristic. Ironically a C of E school who ought to know better. (They don't because currently the C of E is in free fall into apostasy.)

So much for tolerance, diversity and inclusion. The teacher in the 'cat' thing upstream showed the same totalitarian mindset.

I think you have fallen into the trap of believing everything you read in the right wing culture war press.
This is already happening. A teacher Joshua Sutcliffe has lost his job and been banned from teaching for at least two years for 'misgendering' a pupil.
The reasons for his dismissal were wider than that.

Isn't it extraordinary that saying marriage is between a man and a woman for life, and/or knowing what those words mean, is becoming a revolutionary act. It's how the race continued and flourished from the beginning!
There was me thinking that the race continued because of incest. When did Eve’s boys marry their mum?
That's not how risk assessment works though is it. Criminality is not determined by how shifty they look - or by measuring the distance between the eyes with vernier calipers. Risk assessment seeks out truth.
No, it's based on broad probabilities not case by case on each person. By its nature it's discriminatory. This is why an 18 year old footballer can't play in the under 15's no matter how small or light in weight they are. And it's why facilities are often separated by sex not the loveliness or otherwise of prospective users.
The pattern of offending history was more than sufficient to show that Wood is not somebody safe to be around women.
I had expected this to be an area of agreement between us, but you simply have to play mind games.
It's not mind games. It's about the hypocrisy of you saying 'It's enough to say I'm a woman' then later trying to explain why that benchmark doesn't apply to transwomen sex offenders.

Yeh well if only families / communities / society presented young people with a warm welcoming atmosphere where they were encouraged to figure out who they are rather than parents trying so hard to create kids in their own image.

This isn't what happens with the Affirmation model though. Children are affirmed in their new identity, there's no exploration of their wider issues. 'Figuring out who they are' is the supposed conversion therapy you want to see banned.

It's why the Cass report recommended a different 'holistic' multi disciplinary team approach for the new gender identity clinics, not the Tavistock approach.

Still doesn't explain all the middle aged transwomen and the very few middle aged transmen.


Legendary Member
There was me thinking that the race continued because of incest. When did Eve’s boys marry their mum?

Oh it gets better than that ...

Midrash Rabbah Genesis VIII:1 interprets "male and female He created them" to mean that God originally created Adam as a hermaphrodite. In this way, adam was bodily and spiritually male and female. God later decides that "it is not good for adam to be alone", and creates the separate beings, Adam and Eve. This promotes the idea of two people joining to achieve a union of the two separate spirits.


Legendary Member
No, it's based on broad probabilities not case by case on each person.

Utter tosh.

You have no clue about anything.


Legendary Member
It's not mind games. It's about the hypocrisy of you saying 'It's enough to say I'm a woman' then later trying to explain why that benchmark doesn't apply to transwomen sex offenders.

Get this into your thick skull - it's not discriminatory because EVERY prisoner is risk assessed.


Legendary Member
It's why the Cass report recommended a different 'holistic' multi disciplinary team approach for the new gender identity clinics, not the Tavistock approach.

The Tavistock was understaffed and overburdened according to Cass. The staff were stressed while trying to deal with the pressures they were under. The government's 'solution' to the pressures is always to impose maximum waiting times rather than provide resources. The Tavistock simply could not cope.

The system didn't work. The system is ultimately controlled by a mixture of law and government policy and requires resources. Failure was an inevitability.

The same failures are prevalent everywhere. Not only have resources no been adjusted to account for demand or inflation, they've been cut to the bone in the name of austerity - a political choice.

Resources for all essential services need to be demand led. Lag models of funding favoured by Tories lead to cuts in services, exactly what they intend. Ultimately it explains most things, such as the skills shortage in the UK which exacerbates decline.

Your way is to attack the Tavistock. My approach is rather different to that.

For young people to flourish they need access to services, critically to education. We don't need less talk about personal development in schools, we need more, yet under this government we are heading for a re-introduction to something like Section 28. The emphasis on exam factories of meaningless facts is wrong-footed. The increase in the declining mental health of the nation is a strong symptom.


Legendary Member
However, i remain unconvinced that you qualify to dismiss and question others as you are not a qualified mental health professional or similar.
So you, @multitool, @monkers etc are all qualified mental health professionals? Why didn't you say so!

And why are you participating in this thread. @monkers has been quite clear that gender incongruence is not a mental health issue, so what qualifies you to discourse on the subject?

Thank you for the patronising response by the way. Just remember that those "excellent typists" do far more than you think and are your best friend in actually getting anywhere in the NHS. I think you probably missed the bit where I developed software and now specialise in data analysis and extraction particularly around NHS datasets.

Oh - and I have never "dismissed" any view. I have offered counter views, information and my views. You see rather than just shouting at people and being rude, I prefer to have a discussion. There are lots of good points raised in this thread, sadly drowned out by petty bickering and rudeness.
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