Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
And what I have pointed out is that they haven't. All that they have done is change the classification in ICD11 which isn't in use yet. All other classifications are mental health.

No. You've pointed out that in the SMEGHEAD system in use, that the available field for you expert typists to type a cross is not a valid field. That doesn't change or overrule the WHO.

Deleted member 159

Those advocating that men, transvestites, or trans should be able to access women's personal changing areas, because they have self declared.

Would you want your wife and or daughter in close proximity to a fully intact naked male changing alongside your child, spouse?


Legendary Member
This hierarchy of genuine transness that you propose is very interesting. It completely undermines the innate gender identity theory and the whole 'the child knows best who they are' mantra that underpins the Affirmation model. It allows you to offload the transwomen sex offenders rather than acknowledge that self ID poses issues though, I suppose.

It isn't a hierarchy. It doesn't undermine anything. Typically transvestites and cross-dressers and drag queens identify as men.

Trans women identify as women. The former group have no protection under the EqA, the latter group do. The EqA is not intended to allow sex offenders into women's prisons. Filtering of the unsafe from the safe is a permissible exemption, especially since all prisoners are risk assessed and not just the ones who say they are trans and express a wish to be in a women's prison.

You know this has now been explained so often and in such detail that even people of the lowest IQ will understand it. This is just willful because you have come up against the buffers in an argument put forward by you which has been proved to be false. This is the difficulty of the absolutist who defends conspiracy theory.

Defend it with the truth or just admit you are wrong.

Pale Rider

He hasn't called me any names, but thank you for your contribution

Oops, think I may need to go back into hiding.
Are you saying that men cross dress in large numbers to become sexually aroused?
Yes, I am. I am absolutely astonished that this paraphillia seems to be news to you. It does explain how dismissive you are of women's concerns though.
I guess it's possible but if that's why they're doing it I'm not sure they'd regard themselves as being under the transgender umbrella. I think you can differentiate them from folks with gender incongruence, lifelong or otherwise.

According to Stonewall they come under the transgender umbrella. If you are going down the 'You are who you say you are' view, these men with fetishes have as much right to say they are women - and have the access you seem happy to give away - as any other man.

Why wouldn't they regard themselves as transgender? It gives them access to women's spaces, legitimises their paraphillia, and it gets men like you to advocate their cause. There's nothing to lose.

How? How do we differentiate them when they are demanding access to women's spaces and services?

Based on what evidence?

Research. This study says 2.8% of men, and 0.4% of women. Which would equate to 600,000 men over 18 in the UK.

I don't believe for a minute though that you are unaware that there are men for whom dressing as a woman and being in women's spaces is a huge sexual thrill.

It's just another way to other TW and cast them as both sexually perverted and a threat.

No, it's an acknowledgement that there is no way of telling the difference. Perhaps you can explain how we can tell in a vulnerable space.
It isn't a hierarchy. It doesn't undermine anything. Typically transvestites and cross-dressers and drag queens identify as men. Trans women identify as women.
There's literally no difference ffs. Nobody is talking about drag queens. If a man whose fetishism is dressing as a woman says he is a transwoman then he is a transwoman. You don't get to say he isn't. That is literally the self ID you have spent the thread demanding.

The former group have no protection under the EqA, the latter group do.

Anybody who says they are proposing to undergo transition has protection under the EA. That includes men with a fetishism for wearing women's clothes.

This attempt to disown the run of the mill crossdressers as well as the sex offenders is quite something to behold. So much for 'Let us say 'I'm a woman. That's enough'. Well they are saying they are women. They are on your team whether you like it or not.
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