Then you don't believe in single sex spaces and services for women at all then. There are no special categories of men who are fundamentally different from other men.
I think you fundamentally don't understand how some women feel with males present in certain spaces. We have to wait until they are disruptive? Mudsticks event isn't an event that would be considered a vulnerable space, but you can't seriously be saying a rape crisis group for women should have to admit a transwoman and as long as they are not disruptive you don't see a problem.
You're right of course this isn't really a 'vulnerable' space, it's largely attended by very physically capable 'earthy' types very able to hold their own.
But still attendees prefer the atmosphere of women only, for the reasons (and others) I've outlined.
I was surprised when I first set it up, by how many women still wanted these spaces.
But multiply those reasons up by several magnitudes when were talking about truly vulnerable situations, and very vulnerable women - often both physically and psychologically fragile, such as in a rape crisis centre, and you have made an already unhappy cohort of women feel their needs are even less seen and heard, than they already are.
The empathy gap with this is (sadly unsurprisingly) vast.
It's very easy for people on hear to say "You must be more tolerant and understanding"
When they're basically not having to do any of that work themselves.