Gender again. Sorry!

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I've never said that there are no people who fake their identity.
You've repeatedly said 'You are who you say you are' and 'It's enough to say 'I am a woman'. But when the people saying 'I am a woman' turn out to be sex offenders, you say they are faking being trans - eg Karen White and Stephen Wood. You magically know, but no clues for the rest of us as to how we are supposed to tell the difference.

When we hear the case of a pensioner letting somebody in their house with fake ID of being from the gas board, we don't go on to demonise gas workers being all scallywags.
If gas workers committed 98% of all sex offences there would probably be some system whereby they weren't allowed into houses with only women in them. And you know what? Practically every gas worker would be fine with that because they could imagine how uncomfortable their presence might make women.

And we would rightly consider the ones who nevertheless insisted they should have access to women in their homes alone to be very dodgy indeed.

Deleted member 159

You're going round and round in circles.

There are two sexes male, female, man woman.

You can be whatever you like.

Just don't expect that because you want to self proclaim as a woman, you get any of those rights.

Enter women's safe domains, compete in their races, have the same general rights as women .

You made your choice, now deal with it.
In other words you formed a negative stereotype of men and used as the basis for your argument. And that's women's rights is it?

Saying men find it a bit harder than women to make deep friendships isn't a negative stereotype. It's acknowledging different patterns of human behaviour. Which is important when you consider that men have a suicide rate that's double that of women.


Saying men find it a bit harder than women to make deep friendships isn't a negative stereotype. It's acknowledging different patterns of human behaviour. Which is important when you consider that men have a suicide rate that's double that of women.

Yet more women attempt suicide than men.

Men succeed because they tend to choose more violently effective methods.


Except in Asia, where male/females rates are almost the same, and China, where female suicide rate is higher.

Maybe Chinese men have better friendships than women, or something.


Legendary Member
You've repeatedly said 'You are who you say you are' and 'It's enough to say 'I am a woman'. But when the people saying 'I am a woman' turn out to be sex offenders, you say they are faking being trans - eg Karen White and Stephen Wood. You magically know, but no clues for the rest of us as to how we are supposed to tell the difference.

Yes, yes, we should trust people to be who they say they are, but obviously when they breach that trust and become a prisoner, then risk assessment is key.

In one example I have reported what people who actually know Stephen Wood have said. Not that affects the risk assessment process.

You try to use against me on something we should surely agree on. Stephen Wood had not been using hormones, and had very recent history of being a sex offender. Those who made the risk assessment got it badly wrong. The prison has agreed and apologised.

You really don't need to continue this lying for scoring cheap points.


Legendary Member
Just don't expect that because you want to self proclaim as a woman, you get any of those rights.

What women's rights are trans women claiming? Can you list them?
Yes, yes, we should trust people to be who they say they are, but obviously when they breach that trust and become a prisoner, then risk assessment is key.
We aren't talking about risk assessment though. We are talking about you saying we should believe men who say they are women but refusing to believe it of sex offenders. You can't have it both ways. You can't say you personally have an innate gender identity but disbelieve Stephen Wood when they tell you they have an innate gender identity, and it's also 'woman'.

This is just gymnastics to avoid accepting the fact that it's men who are the safeguarding risk and the idea that there are genuine transwomen who pose no risk and fake ones who might be a risk is just nonsense. The safeguarding risk isn't because they are transwomen - genuine or not - it's because they are men.
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And of course you know better than the medical profession and actual scientists. You're not a doctor's receptionist by any chance are you?

You've told us there's no diagnosis for being trans, it's just 'I say I am'. Yet this is a state that also requires being a lifelong medical patient and in some double maestectomies and castration. Odd for something that isn't a health issue.

Plenty of scientist still think sex is binary. Plenty of scientists and doctors are urging caution in respect of medicalising children - including the pioneers of the affirmative model in Holland. The ones who are still full steam ahead are the ones in the US who make mega bucks from 14 year old girls getting double maestectomies, and hundreds of dollars a month from prescriptions, or who have built a career as transactivists.
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