You've repeatedly said 'You are who you say you are' and 'It's enough to say 'I am a woman'. But when the people saying 'I am a woman' turn out to be sex offenders, you say they are faking being trans - eg Karen White and Stephen Wood. You magically know, but no clues for the rest of us as to how we are supposed to tell the difference.I've never said that there are no people who fake their identity.
If gas workers committed 98% of all sex offences there would probably be some system whereby they weren't allowed into houses with only women in them. And you know what? Practically every gas worker would be fine with that because they could imagine how uncomfortable their presence might make women.When we hear the case of a pensioner letting somebody in their house with fake ID of being from the gas board, we don't go on to demonise gas workers being all scallywags.
And we would rightly consider the ones who nevertheless insisted they should have access to women in their homes alone to be very dodgy indeed.