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Deleted member 159

I hadn't realised Robert Palmer had gone trans :laugh:


Deleted member 159

A bearded pro powerlifter entered a women’s competition in Canada and smashed a record held by a transgender lifter who was watching on.

The NY Post reports Avi Silverberg, the head coach for Team Canada Powerlifting for more than 10 years, entered last weekend’s Heroes Classic tournament in Lethbridge, Alberta, after identifying as a female.

Video shared by athlete activist group the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) shows him walking up to the platform still fully bearded and wearing a regular men’s singlet.

He then casually bench-pressed nearly 167kg — beating the current Alberta women’s record by almost 45kg.

The current record — 124kg pounds — is held by trans athlete Anne Andres, who was seen watching Silverberg while volunteering at the event.

Andres also holds the Alberta women’s record for the dead lift, at 245kg.

The trans lifter won eight of nine competitions entered in the women’s category over the last four years, ICONS said.

As Silverberg broke her record, Andres stood off to the edge of the platform area, only strolling back on after the male lifter walked off.

ICONS said Silverberg “mocked the discriminatory (Canadian Powerlifting Union) policy” that allows competitors to register for events under their “gender identity and expression, rather than their sex or gender,” vowing “no consequences” for doing so.

Avi Silverberg seemed to effortlessly smash the female record. Photo: Twitter.Source: Twitter

Transgender lifter Anne Andres was at the event as the male pro smashed her record. Photo: Twitter.Source: Twitter

CPU’s transgender policy states an individual “should be able to participate in the gender with which they identify and not be subject to requirements for disclosure of personal information beyond those required of cisgender athletes”.

It also states: “Nor should there be any requirement for hormonal therapy or surgery.”

Deleted member 159

Is this really your level, Andy?

Content is out there, 6 million views

and it funny, because its true :laugh:

Matt Walsh's 'What is a woman' over 200 million views, outwatched all the latest box office films.

You think there are only a few people that are appalled by this mockery of real women


Content is out there, 6 million views

and it funny, because its true :laugh:

Matt Walsh's 'What is a woman' over 200 million views, outwatched all the latest box office films.

You think there are only a few people that are appalled by this mockery of real women

This is not what I asked. I asked if it was your level.

Does something become more true, the more it is watched?

Deleted member 159

This is not what I asked. I asked if it was your level.

Does something become more true, the more it is watched?

I'm not the subject of discussion.

It does in Trans world where facts are ignored, ideology is what is driving this craze


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I have no problem whatsoever with people focusing their activism where they choose, or prioritising their interests over those of others within a movement. LGB Alliance is undeniably a reactive framing though - formed in opposition to the upsurge in trans rights activism and with the clear aim of unhitching the T from the other letters. OK in the abstract, I guess, but contrary to your habitual framing the reason for the solidarity amongst the letters is not mindless 'being kind', but an understanding or instinctive grasp that, to the dominant heteronormative culture, it's all the same - deviance of one kind or another, punishable, perverted, dirty, threatening, heralding the end of civilization, abnormal, unconscionable, unacceptable. Y'know, the sort of things your mate Posie decries to her husband over dinner or Lynton Crosby rings up senior Tories to get them puce about. Anyway it's not the first or only division amongst the four letters - Ls have dropped Gs and shunned Bs before and there arguably has been some rationale behind these splits, but none of it has ever been worth hitching your wagon to the GOP or the Tories or the Heritage Foundation or the Telegraph or GB News or any of these other bastards. Unless of course you never really had any skin in the game anyway and are just a fairly conventional straight person with nothing to lose from chucking others unde the bus...

To be fair I think the letters are getting a bit out of hand. To me the term 'gay' covers all non-hetero sexual orientations, and the term 'trans' covers all non-cis gender identities.

We should just have G&T.


Legendary Member
To be fair I think the letters are getting a bit out of hand. To me the term 'gay' covers all non-hetero sexual orientations, and the term 'trans' covers all non-cis gender identities.

We should just have G&T.

Many LGBTiQ+ members just use the Q these days. At my age it doesn't fully land - some of us remember the sad days of 'queer bashing'.

At one time I used to say 'QUILTBAG'. It had all the right letters in it and tripped off the tongue, but not everybody was happy, so I thought 'fair enough' and stopped.

On one occasion I was stopped in the street by two lads and asked, 'are you a man or a woman'. I just said 'yes' and walked on.

On another occasion I was asked 'do you do men or women'. I said 'I'm ambivalent to the question'. I hope they had a Collins pocket dictionary.

With a friend who was asked a stupid question (she's tall), she said 'that's sounds proper queer now coming from you' as she looked him up and down. (She's Irish btw and sounded all the more effective with her accent).
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