Deleted member 159
We'd all realised. But, this particular troll hasn't realised he is being trolled back.
You carry on sweetie 🥰
We'd all realised. But, this particular troll hasn't realised he is being trolled back.
Two people better qualified than me share opinion on the matter....
Brooke Forde an Olympic silver medalist, said of Thomas that: "I believe that treating people with respect and dignity is more important than any trophy or record will ever be, which is why I will not have a problem racing against Lia at NCAAs this year"
Another swimmer, Olympic silver medalist Erica Sullivan, spoke in support of Thomas in an opinion piece for Newsweek.
You carry on sweetie 🥰
The intent is irrelevant. Accidental or unintentional unfair advantage is still unfair advantage.
Yes it is, but intentionally taking doping agents is intent to cheat.
Armstrong was judged a cheat and banned.
Frome was judged not to be a cheat and is still racing.
Both had traces of doping agents in their blood.
I'm not aware of any contributors themselves being trans.
This so-called debate is not the battle between trans people and cis people as often thought. Indeed not, it is a battle between the beliefs of groups of cis people with varying beliefs. Broadly there are two groups; the feminists to the left, and the gender critical people from the right. It is not that all feminists are trans exclusionary, nor are the groupings from the right - but gender critical people from various parts of the political spectrum have joined forces.
Perhaps in this context, people might begin to understand the frustration of the trans community, they are not often invited to 'the debate', they are left voiceless unless they themselves become noisy, and when they do they tend to be condemned for being so.
The media are not helpful to the discussion, they relish sensationalism. The headlines say it all. Witness their sensationalism and thirst for anti-cycling propaganda!
The polarisation on this topic is inevitable and as unfathomable to some as the God Paradox. You know God can do anything so he can lift anything; God can do anything so he can make a mountain so heavy that even God can't lift it. God doesn't leave clues though on how to figure this one out; so maybe not quite as perfect as some think? Whatever, please don't get exercised on the point, it's just an imperfect analogy.
For some the so-called 'trans debate' is consciously or unconsciously linked to their 'belief' or their 'indoctrination' depending upon your paradigm - no disrespect intended to folks whatever their religious beliefs happen to be. Remember it's just an imperfect analogy.
Froome was taking Salbutamol, which the autothories made critical errors in chemical analysis.
You really have no clue. Armstrong was taking EPO, storing his blood in fridges to evade detection.
Armstrong was banned on the testimony of others.
He confessed due to Landis pointing the finger at him. It was the upcoming court case that forced Armstrong to admit his crimes before the hearing.
He basically, admitted his guilt- but on his terms
Armstrong was not storing blood in fridges to "evade detection" you idiot![]()
If they come for you, climb in amongst your yogurt pots, beer bottles and horse heads.
If it worked for Armstrong it'll work for you.
Multitool wrote
Armstrong was not storing blood in fridges to "evade detection" you idiot
Armstrong was not storing blood in fridges to "evade detection" you idiot![]()
The report also describes how Landis had to "babysit" blood, which was being stored in a refrigerator hidden in a wardrobe
It was hidden in a wardrobe to avoid detection. Not a fridge.
It was in a fridge because blood needs to be refrigerated.