Deleted member 159
It is very telling that you have used the American spelling.
Spell checker keep reverting to US Paedophilia, that better for you

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It is very telling that you have used the American spelling.
I'm set to publish advice suggesting a period of reflection for people who want to vote Conservative.
That’s just put me off my dessert of tinned figs.
These treatments should be absolute last resort, not sausage factory, probably well after 21years old.
Lots of buyers remorse occurring, usually into their early twenties from these experiments on children
Psychiatric counselling to work through the many facetted conditions that are generally associated with gender dysphoria.
What was the waiting list time for Tavistock, Andy?
What does "lots" mean, Andy?
I see you have some expertise in this area. Can you tell us your qualifications, Andy?
Can you tell us your qualifications, Andy?
It is very telling that you have used the American spelling.
Almost certainly the same as everybody else on here, none, apart from being an interested onlooker.
If bona fides is so important to you, why only address this question to a poster with whom you don't agree?
Usual brainless tactic 'I can't answer the post, so I will have to concentrate on trying to undermine the poster'.
Says the man who calls dating sites 'sordid'.
When did loving oneself become a crime?
Not a crime in itself, but a mental disorder.
Given that a far higher incidence of men wanting to be trans in prison with sexual convictions.
So it looks like this disorder spills over into sexual criminality
Another pointless snipe from the resident know-all.
Anyone can post what they think of a particular topic.
Thus I do not need degrees in computer science, sociology, behavioural science and goodness what else to give an opinion on dating sites.
Nor do you, but of course all we get is a snidey remark.
Dumb and dumber.