Looking at a similar issue, that I've lived with for over fifty years. Similar issues encountered in that time.
It marks me out as different. There's some that feel "my sort" shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them. There's often deliberate "quiet conversations" that are meant to be overheard. The reactions of some, deliberately avoiding coming anywhere near me. Being "asked" to get off public transport, because other passengers are uncomfortable at me being there. Being denied access to certain spaces, I'm a danger to others who might use the area. I've had parents remove their kids from the school, because of the danger to their kids, from me. And then the schools have been in touch with the parents, pointing out that they could actually be done for removing their kids. I always found out when they returned to school, they'd not come near me.
I have one neighbour who is of the opinion, often expressed quite vocally, that "my sort should be taken out, placed against a wall and shot". Remove the problem(s) like me, and their world will be safe again.
I've a disability, but this thread has many similar themes running through it. It's the fear of the unknown, it shows through every time this subject comes up. Attitudes haven't changed in over fifty years. The subject matter may have changed, but the fear is still there to see.