Feelings are not the ultimate arbiter of truth, but neither should they be discounted as unimportant, they are very real to the people having them.
I would never say feelings don't matter - try saying that to some who is seriously depressed - but feelings mustn't be allowed to override external reality. They are by nature often transient, not the sort of basis for making important long-term decisions.
That's why we make space for things like religion, and faith, despite their being no 'evidence' to support these feelings based beliefs.
Saying faith is 'believing something for which there is no evidence' does not become true by dint of repetition.

I've lost count of the number of times I have heard this though - especially by atheists whom I suspect could not produce evidence for this claim!
In the area of religion in particular feelings can be dangerously deceptive.
In our (still) patriachal society the feelings, passions aspirations and desires of men are still given primacy, of course.
Hence guys getting annoyed by the likes of Greta ...
Is it that patriarchal? This is constantly asserted. Equality of opportunity has been enshrined in law for decades, even if it has not always been achieved in practice. We have also got to the point where women can be appointed to posts simply because they are women. Positive discrimination is still discrimination. It can also be insulting to women as it implies they cannot get there by merit alone.
In Sweden, probably one of the most egalitarian countries on the planet, employment in STEM subjects divides about 80 to 20 for men and women. It might just be that the two sexes have different interests that are innate.
Greta being annoying, especially the
how dare you speech was probably a unisex phenomenon amongst anyone over 30. (Or perhaps a bit older!)
He who shouts loudest, and longest and angriest - and has the biggest muscles, guns, political clout, loudest voice, and or biggest bank account, to impose his will on others shall ultimately prevail in the right wing 'conservative' world .. "
Looking at the footage of transgender activists closing down discussion of transgender rights it seems to me the (woke) left are very good at shouting and intimidating/bullying those who don't agree with them. Making accusations of hate. I think this is because the whole thing is based on a lie, and they cannot defend it. Similarly with all the malice that is found on social media when this subject is discussed, both pro and contra. Add to that legislation designed increasingly to silence those who are critical of transgenderism or seems to be making is harder for anyone who wishes to help those who want out (Canada, Australia).
That's the problem right there - humans and their 'nature' 🙄
Just as there are very 'unChristian' Christians"
Human nature is based in the end on (sinful) self-love. That doesn't mean none of us don't have legitimate interests we need to look after or that nobody ever does anything altruistic, but the subject of this thread to my mind shows how concern for others can get buried in asserting supposed rights.
Unchristian Christians - the (theologically) liberal bishops of the Church of England are currently being very good at this!! But I digress ...