I think the 'phobes seize on medical interventions of the young in the way that racists seize on paedophile groomers who happen to be Muslim.
yeah sure, the far left antiafa line ''if you don't agree with exactly what we say and how we say it you MUST be racist/neo-nazi/farage etc. etc.'' it an cheap line, so it does not surprise me it comes from you.
They aren't really interested in the child's welfare for two reasons. Firstly because they just aren't...they are purely exploiting children to fuel their own obsessive cult beliefs,
I think any medical intervention especially those performed on children should be due for intense scunity, as Children are onkly children once and decisions made then are often hard or even not all reversible.
and secondly because they won't enter into the discussion as to whether surgery/hormones might possibly be in the interest of the children's health. They fixate on alleged 'detransitioners', to support their notion that all trans people will regret any interventions
I think that is an important discussion and yes it can be in their best interest, but what wrong with the discussion if it would be really in their best interest? Why would you try to shut down a discussion like that by screaming ''transphobes etc. ?
, whilst ignoring the vast majority who do not detransition. They, the 'phobes, come at this with zero expertise or experience and yet they privilege their own ignorance over the people who do care for trans youth.
''Whilst ignoring the majority'' i see meanwhile a lot of pages with you insulting others but no evidence of this claim, so can you back this up or are this ''all lies'' ? you know the thing you accuse others off at any occasion.
Above all, trans health care is bound to be problematic, but it isn't helped by the myths and bare-faced lies spread by the hate-o-phobes.
and lies of the trans-lobby, remember there's two sides to every story, reality often is somewhere in the middle.