Arrests are higher for women than men though, as given earlier. Though you just dismissed the official figures as nonsense. So you can't really stand there saying the figures are wrong because you disagree with them, that'd be plain ignorance showing through.Why does whether it resulted in a jail sentence affect the relevance of the ratio of convictions for cases that did? The stats are clear. Pretending that there might have been other crimes that didn't make it to court and should be taken into account is nonsense. There's no evidence that transwomen comit these unrecorded crimes at any different ratio than the ones they are recorded and convicted for.
This is just gymnastics to avoid recognising that transwomen are the same as other men.
Faced with an avalanche of evidence and stats about crime data, and sports science, and women's views, government reviews, and health orgs changing their minds, the absolute best you have is still your 1% difference on a single question on a single survey.
There is no need to pretend, the official figure proves you wrong. It's yourself performing the gymnastics to try and prove a point. Anything outside of that, or contradicting your point of view is ignored, brushed aside as irrelevant, or just stated as being wrong.