AndyCXR, the living embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
In other news this week many schools are not going to open this week because of safety fears. It transpires that this has been known about for at least 5 years but the DfE had failed to take any action. Why post this in the gender thread, I hear you ask?
Because there is a remarkable contrast between a total failure to take action on a real situation that will impact many lives, and the few days it took for a minister to order an Ofsted investigation after the very clearly confected story about a student in a Rye college identifying as a cat, and a teacher punishing a student for failing to respect this, was published in tabloid papers.
All that energy going into the fake trans panic is detracting from real issues that matter, and we have a malign government wilfuly exploiting it for (no pun) dead cat opportunities.
Not only that, but it has become an industry with grifters like Minshull and Linehan coining it in and turning it into a lucrative job, and journalists like Helen Joyce using it to make a name for themselves.
There was no cat person in that school, but there is a risk that the roof might collapse while we are looking the other way.

In other news this week many schools are not going to open this week because of safety fears. It transpires that this has been known about for at least 5 years but the DfE had failed to take any action. Why post this in the gender thread, I hear you ask?
Because there is a remarkable contrast between a total failure to take action on a real situation that will impact many lives, and the few days it took for a minister to order an Ofsted investigation after the very clearly confected story about a student in a Rye college identifying as a cat, and a teacher punishing a student for failing to respect this, was published in tabloid papers.
All that energy going into the fake trans panic is detracting from real issues that matter, and we have a malign government wilfuly exploiting it for (no pun) dead cat opportunities.
Not only that, but it has become an industry with grifters like Minshull and Linehan coining it in and turning it into a lucrative job, and journalists like Helen Joyce using it to make a name for themselves.
There was no cat person in that school, but there is a risk that the roof might collapse while we are looking the other way.