Neither is there any evidence that there is. Please do not mention the Swedish study again as the original author must believe by now that those who keep saying that it says what it doesn't must be morons.
The author has never explained why she now contradicts the actual stats of her own research. She seems to be the only one of the group (4 authors, I think) to do so. There's really no evidence that transwomen have anything other than male pattern offending.
In terms of recorded arrests, violent crime is almost exclusively a male born thing. The sex of the victim will vary due to circumstances and the specific nature of the violence, eg pub fight or domestic violence.In the case of street violence, the victims of violence by men is against other men, your figures do not reflect this.
You cherry picked a specific category - youth crime amongst young women/teens in London in a specific year - in order to try to prove that women are as bad as men when it comes to overall violent crime. The national figures - and common sense - show that is not a true picture, either nationally or over decades.The figures from the Met police seem still to be the most detailed available. Please don't say again that we should ignore London, as if the gender difference for violence is somehow much different to other parts of the country, because that is obvious nonsense.