Good old Policy Exchange.
Here's an article about the report you couldn't be arsed to link to.
I see they have a pop at parkrun, arguably the one of the most successful grassroots sporting stories around. Way to go!
Policy Exchange is essentially the right-wing lobby group of the Conservative party. Any "report" by them should be regarded as what it is; propaganda with a view to maintaining the Tory hegemony. It certainly is not research, or reflective of public opinion.
If these pricks have put something out about trans women and Parkrun it is both pathetically risible and indicative of their continued attempts to use trans people as canon-fodder in their politically-motivated culture war.
Naturally, they'll suck in a handful of weirdo internet obsessives on the way (here's looking at you GC crew

) but it ought to be clear to them by now that despite the all out assault on trans women in the right-wing client press, the general public are not buying this crap.
Why? Because they can easily compare the confected moral panic to their own lived experience and see that it is not relatable. Not only will most of them never have encountered a TW, nor will they have met anyone who has suffered at the hands of a TW.
They know its crap.
This entire panic exists only in the minds of a small number of frankly very odd but vociferous people who would have no audience were it not for the Internet. There will always be people like this in life. If it wasn't the GC cult they were buying into, it would be David Icke or anti-vax or whatever.