Gender again. Sorry!

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Nobody is asking them to validate entrant's gender identity, just record the results that they do record fairly. Funny how it was easy enough to identify sex when it was needed to keep women out of education and jobs for centuries but now it's far too difficult. Pretty sure they wouldn't have any trouble refusing to record the result of a 25 year old in the over 70 category. All they need to do is look into it when an objection is made; no need to question every entrant at the outset.

I look forward to that being your last post on anything to do with women's stuff then because being a woman is something you cannot take part in so (according to you) you have no right to comment on any issues that concern them.
Your metric, not mine. And this isn't the first time you've used the same argument. It does also means that you can't talk about trans women anymore either.

You talking for all women again or just yourself? If just yourself, then as already pointed out by both yourself and CXRAndy it's anecdotal evidence only. And as you have pointed out on every one of these threads, it counts for nothing.


Elder Goth
Nobody is asking them to validate entrant's gender identity, just record the results that they do record fairly. Funny how it was easy enough to identify sex when it was needed to keep women out of education and jobs for centuries but now it's far too difficult. Pretty sure they wouldn't have any trouble refusing to record the result of a 25 year old in the over 70 category. All they need to do is look into it when an objection is made; no need to question every entrant at the outset.

I look forward to that being your last post on anything to do with women's stuff then because being a woman is something you cannot take part in so (according to you) you have no right to comment on any issues that concern them.

There isn't an "over 70" category and the results are recorded fairly.

Unlike a lot of complicated gender issues, parkrun really isn't a difficult one.

@bobzmyunkle has it spot on with his summary.

The only genuine issue I can think of with parkrun is when councils have tried to start charging for use of parks, which has led to the cancellation of some events in the past. A short sighted and ridiculous attempt really. For example one local to me opens their cafe early on Saturday and for a few hours on Sunday, welcoming the extra business.
Ok @classic33, I'll bite. I've participated it numerous Park Runs and have previously commented on this thread. I therefore feel qualified to point out that this aspect of your argument is just a little bit beyond tedious.

Back to the issue in hand, as others have said, Park Run isn't about to start checking people's privates/birth sex or anything of that ilk. That wasn't the aim of the think tank paper though, was it. Their aim was to stir up the culture war. And to keep any nuance that might be introduced to the subject well suppressed.
It's not me that keeps on introducing it into the threads when I've nothing to add. I'd suggest you aim the comments at the person who does, and once again introduced it into this thread.
Your metric, not mine. And this isn't the first time you've used the same argument. It does also means that you can't talk about trans women anymore either.
I've never said people can't have an opinion. Once again these are the fevered imaginings of yourself, who either misreads things or is being being wilfully disingenuous.

If I can't talk about transwomen anymore that would seem to be an admission on your part that they aren't women. Glad we cleared that up.
I've never said people can't have an opinion. Once again these are the fevered imaginings of yourself, who either misreads things or is being being wilfully disingenuous.
Straight out lying on your part, again.
'Have you ever competed in the Tour de France? Because unless you have, you don't get to have an opinion on cheating in it ....'
If I can't talk about transwomen anymore that would seem to be an admission on your part that they aren't women. Glad we cleared that up.
You were never a trans woman though, were you? So its your own metric that prevents you talking about them.
Then please show me the post where I have said they aren't women. Or retract your accusation.

Your playing the victim and putting your own meaning/slant on what others have said is the one of the two constants in these threads. The other being your fear, which you project in the pretence that you're speaking for all women and girls.
Agreed. It's a forum so anybody can have an opinion on anything. Classic unfortunately doesn't seem to understand sarcasm or what using italics sometimes signifies so we end up with a pointless back and forth. As always it ends with his usual analysis that women who defend single sex spaces have psychological issues.


It was you who pretty much said 'If you don't run in Park Run you don't get to comment'. It's your metric that people aren't allowed to comment, not mine. Obviously if we're doing the 'Stay in your own lane' thing though, you are very much out of your own lane telling women what they should and should not be concerned about, so perhaps you're better off not pursuing that line.

Park Run does not trample on people's lives. Park Run is a charity with charitable objectives. Their vision is a healthy and happy planet; perhaps your own is not.

Objectives (Charitable Objects)​

The charity's objectives (often referred to as the objects) are for the benefit of the public in the world:

  1. to promote community participation in healthy recreation by:
    1. organising and providing running events; and
    2. creating opportunities for members of the community to participate in and/or volunteer at such running events;
  2. to further such other wholly charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time decide.

The charity's vision is: A healthier and happier planet

The charity's mission is: To transform health and happiness by empowering people to come together, to be active, social and outdoors.

Deleted member 159

To be scrupulously fair Parkrun's website quotes the best male and female times - about 90 seconds difference.

Whether we need to check what the female has in her pants is a different question......

Both records are former international level athletes, representing their respective countries.

I presume there is a regional list of times
Agreed. It's a forum so anybody can have an opinion on anything. Classic unfortunately doesn't seem to understand sarcasm or what using italics sometimes signifies so we end up with a pointless back and forth. As always it ends with his usual analysis that women who defend single sex spaces have psychological issues.
Please quote the post(s) where I've said that, or shut yer trap. Then you can apologise.

You're not defending any single sex spaces. You're using your fear and paranoia of something you don't understand to try and make certain that "they" don't get anywhere near you. You couldn't care less about other women, it'd just about yourself. You've done it with disabled people, you want them out of your sight, and out of any areas you might use.

I am tending to believe what others have said elsewhere, about you, is true. And the proof is coming from yourself.


Deleted member 159

Please quote the post(s) where I've said that, or shut yer trap. Then you can apologise.

You're not defending any single sex spaces. You're using your fear and paranoia of something you don't understand to try and make certain that "they" don't get anywhere near you. You couldn't care less about other women, it'd just about yourself. You've done it with disabled people, you want them out of your sight, and out of any areas you might use.

I am tending to believe what others have said elsewhere, about you, is true. And the proof is coming from yourself.

Not another one wanting public atonement before absolution


Please quote the post(s) where I've said that, or shut yer trap. Then you can apologise.
What an angry man you are. You're not really selling me the idea of giving men access to women's spaces one bit.
You're not defending any single sex spaces. You're using your fear and paranoia of something you don't understand to try and make certain that "they" don't get anywhere near you. You couldn't care less about other women, it'd just about yourself. You've done it with disabled people, you want them out of your sight, and out of any areas you might use.
This is just your usual unevidenced rubbish.

I am tending to believe what others have said elsewhere, about you, is true. And the proof is coming from yourself.
It must be apparent by now that on this forum nobody gives a toss what anybody else thinks of them, least of all what you think. How odd that you imagine women care about your approval though.

Unless you explain what this means - which you've declined to do several times - I think we can only assume it refers to the only relevant acronym I could find, which is 'Male Gay Girlfriend', suggesting that my partner is actually a gay man. Seems a bit homophobic of you to continue using it as what you imagine to be an insult tbh but crack on. I don't care, he won't care, and it's only you that thinks being gay is something to be embarrassed about to point where it can be used as an insult.
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