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9 month old baby amongst those killed so possibly post partum psychosis. Will have to wait and see what the investigation shows. Awful incident though.
"Postpartum psychosis is a mental illness that can affect you in the first few weeks after giving birth."

If she killed them, it's murder nothing else.

Deleted member 121

Andy isn't seeking access to women's spaces though. As such, he, and presumably you too because I reckon you don't use women's spaces either, are very much contributing to protecting women and championing women's safety.

By staying out, you're maintaining the social contract that gives women and girls privacy, dignity, and safety in vulnerable situations by helping us keep single sex spaces as the norm.

I get my guidance on women's safety from my 4 daughters and my wife and not from Andy. You don't need me to lecture you on the true statistics on male crime on women and who and where most crimes on women by men take place. It's people like Andy who think they are that exception whilst pretending to champion women's rights and safety whilst seemingly not at all focusing on those areas where the overwhelming majority of crimes against women are committed....I

I wonder why?

Deleted member 159

I get my guidance on women's safety from my 4 daughters and my wife and not from Andy. You don't need me to lecture you on the true statistics on male crime on women and who and where most crimes on women by men take place. It's people like Andy who think they are that exception whilst pretending to champion women's rights and safety whilst seemingly not at all focusing on those areas where the overwhelming majority of crimes against women are committed....I

I wonder why?

So you're happy for your daughters and wife to be in close proximity to an unknown male in women loos, hospital ward, swimming changing areas, or intimately examined ?


Legendary Member
What's a Terf?

Terrifyingly Easily Radicalised farkwit.
I get my guidance on women's safety from my 4 daughters and my wife and not from Andy. You don't need me to lecture you on the true statistics on male crime on women and who and where most crimes on women by men take place.
Violence against women is mostly by partners, though you can't discount the large number of both sexual and violent crime against women done in public and/or by strangers.

The reason for this is that the domestic situation provides easier access to a victim. If you are in favour of giving men access to women's single sex spaces you are simply giving every man easier access to victims.

Again though, it's not just about safety.

It's people like Andy who think they are that exception whilst pretending to champion women's rights and safety whilst seemingly not at all focusing on those areas where the overwhelming majority of crimes against women are committed....

What can he do to stop an individual man committing domestic violence? Not much. What can he do to make women less likely to be assaulted, embarrassed or made uncomfortable by men outside the home? He can support the maintaining of single sex spaces for women and girls.

Just because most violence against women is in the home doesn't mean we should make them more vulnerable in the public sphere by giving men access to single sex spaces.
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Deleted member 121

What can he do to stop an individual man committing domestic violence? Not much. What can he do to make women less likely to be assaulted, embarrassed or made uncomfortable by men outside the home? He can support the maintaining of single sex spaces for women and girls.

Just because most violence against women is in the home doesn't mean we should make them more vulnerable elsewhere by giving men access to single sex spaces.

By posting dodgy links to vague sources?

Anyway, he could raise awareness continually about spotting the dangers of domestic violence, not all is physical. Soem don't even realise they are victims. But he's not interested and not serious about the safety of women.
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