It's not really "women's concerns about their rights to single sex spaces" though, is it. It's a one-woman campaign.
And what does it say about the women who say the same as me?
After all, they outnumber you on this thread, and in the general population.
Why do you dismiss the views of women?
I don't think it's up to you to tell AS how she feels or what her position is - that's just arrogant
Certainly not to be calling her names like 'terf' - that's just plain rude
But that's OK for you to do it because??
She's not 'dismissing the views of women' we are not one homogeneous block of people - you seem to be able to comprehend 'complexity and nuance' in other spheres of life , but not here, for some reason.
That there can be many positions on this that will change depending on the situation
There are genuine concerns among many women about their rights to safe spaces.
And we know primarily why they are concerned about those - but the bandwagon of tackling male violence and 'macho culture' in general against women and girls doesn't seem such a popular one to jump on..
Why is that??
Many women are generally happy to have transwomen around the vast majority of the time and will say so.
But being women they may not even like to voice concerns in certain areas of their life because it's expected they will be nice and placatory , and make sure everyone else is 'comfortable' before they think of themselves.
It's not just the fear of being physically assaulted, or even feeling uncomfortable in terms of undressed, or vulnerable - eg prisons, refuges etc
It's also having the chance to fully and freely discuss certain issues, or work through problems without having loudmouthed guys who think they know it all, shouting simplistic 'solutions' to issues that don't even arise for them.
Your real or imagined set piece where you shouted 'all transwomen are women' in the vicinity of your wife, and she didn't react, rather goes to show how little you really understand all the issues at play here, and how you'll use it to raise a really rather juvenile laugh.
You said at some point that men don't see sexism so much because they don't directly experience it
I'm giving you an example where it occurs a lot, that also you may not be fully aware of.
Men talking over women, goofing around, making inappropriate jokes and effectively silencing them.
It's part of our unquestioned 'culture' as is unconcious sexist bias.
When I run women + events here (which includes transwomen and non binary people,) the atmosphere is markedly different, because it's supportive, non judgemental, and people are not nearly so black or white in their thinking or even certainty of their 'correctness' as when we have guys onsite (I also run events where men are present too so I have a direct comparison)
That woman+only space is valuable, in the case of what we do , having transwomen here is absolutely fine.
In other situations it wouldn't be appropriate.
I wonder how many transpeople you actually know or come into contact with on a regular basis.?
The fact that you've 'never heard' a transwoman saying 'all transwomen are women' suggests to me that you've not really had that much close contact, because that is said very regularly.
The ones I know are certainly not all like the 'suck my dick' banner wavers as has been portrayed. They are also considerate of tensions and difficulties in this whole issue.
Just as supporters of women's rights are not all trying to deny the rights of transpeople.
But of course you won't see those sorts at protests or even on the telly because they're not 'entertaining' or newsworthy enough.