We are talking about Scotland, remember.
Reported as a racist hate crime.
Poor rape conviction rate is down to lack of time, officers, and resources I expect. Which won't be helped by having hundreds of anonymous hate crimes to look in to. The staff hours will have to come from somewhere.
Similar, earlier, legislation in England didn't seem to have the effect you're claiming.The conviction rate for rape is around 65/70% in England and Wales which is quite a bit better than Scotland despite, I think, higher spending per head on law and order. Perhaps they aren't spending their money as efficiently. And now they've got a load of thought policing to do for the same budget...
Also chronic underfunding. It can take a rape case years to actually get to court in some cases. This means that memories have become fuzzy, witness statements forgotten etc which in turn can make it harder to secure a conviction.Poor rape conviction rate is down to lack of time, officers, and resources I expect. Which won't be helped by having hundreds of anonymous hate crimes to look in to. The staff hours will have to come from somewhere.
The conviction rate for rape is around 65/70% in England and Wales which is quite a bit better than Scotland despite, I think, higher spending per head on law and order. Perhaps they aren't spending their money as efficiently. And now they've got a load of thought policing to do for the same budget...
Rowling is making a bit of a fool of herself on this one. Nothing she has said historically would breach the new law (AIUI), were she to repeat them.
Maybe she's worried that hate rallies such as those organised by Minshull could have their wings clipped.
It depends on the officer's opinion.
I think she has played it beautifully, Sunak has backed her publicly too.
The Scottish bill has been neutered, unless Cat Stevens demands officers go after her.
Phew, we can all carry on calling men, men
It depends on the officer's opinion.
I think she has played it beautifully, Sunak has backed her publicly too.
The Scottish bill has been neutered, unless Cat Stevens demands officers go after her.
Phew, we can all carry on calling men, men