I'm particularly enjoying the notion that a few misguided tweets from a billionaire cult member has "neutered" the law.
No it doesn't
Oh you mean 50% of the population, a woman
Yes it does, it's policing by feelings.
Nothing she has said historically would breach the new law (AIUI), were she to repeat them.
What Rowling is defending (and by extension all those who support her) is the right to abuse trans people without consequence. She’s defending bullying and harassment. None of these things help women.
The conviction rate for rape is around 65/70% in England and Wales which is quite a bit better than Scotland despite, I think, higher spending per head on law and order. Perhaps they aren't spending their money as efficiently. And now they've got a load of thought policing to do for the same budget...
Well. she has either breach the feelings law or she hasn't?
She has publicly stated 'arrest me'
The public opinion is backing her. The scottish police have either to step up or slither away knowing the law is an utter bag of sh!te
Well. she has either breach the feelings law or she hasn't?
She has publicly stated 'arrest me'
The public opinion is backing her. The scottish police have either to step up or slither away knowing the law is an utter bag of sh!te
The criteria for it being recorded as a hate incident, with a note against someone's name, is the perception of the person reporting it. There is no objective list of criteria as far as I can see. Please give a link to this criteria.No it doesn't. It depends on the criteria set by the lawmakers, you absolute buffoon.
From the Guardian:
"Adam Tomkins.... said: “Asserting that sex is a biological fact or that it is not changed just by virtue of the gender by which someone chooses to identify is not and never can be a hate crime under this law'..
The public opinion is backing her.
Yes, it is. Much higher in England and Wales than Scotland. Possibly several reasons for this. Point is it's not like the Scottish legal system hasn't got a lot of catching up to do already without introducing vague and woolly hate crimes to look into.I think that's the conviction rate for those charged with the offence.
Also yes.The number of cases that fail to be charged, for whatever reason, mean the conviction rate per allegation is much, much lower.
Not exactly the best yardstick....