Legendary Member
Last time I raised that spectre was in a discussion about the direction of UK party politics towards jingoism, and I got my knuckles rapped.
This is an unmoderated forum, knock yourself out.
Last time I raised that spectre was in a discussion about the direction of UK party politics towards jingoism, and I got my knuckles rapped.
This is an unmoderated forum, knock yourself out.
It's so obvious she is a female, the hips. What the hell has happened to her leg, some gone wrong surgery.
It's so obvious she is a female, the hips. What the hell has happened to her leg, some gone wrong surgery.
It's so obvious she is a female, the hips. What the hell has happened to her leg, some gone wrong surgery.
This is any of your business because?
On the front page, hardly discreet
A two year old magazine cover, and one from a decade ago.
Your socials could at least have gone with the raunchier Sports Illustrated shots which were more recent. I could be wrong but I think you got all upset about them on this thread a while ago.
No, she hasn't. That's an article by a trans identifying male activist who has spent the last fortnight trying to undermine Hilary Cass and her 4 year investigation. They've repeated several falsehoods about the report:Cass seems to have backpedalled somewhat from the position in the review.