Gender again. Sorry!

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It's because you are a woman of course :whistle:


Edit: Oh look, another ex elite athlete aka 'c*nty mate' Sue Barker joins the protect women's sports team.

As Sue Barker isn't one of the fascist adjacent arseparts who appear on stage with your hero, Keen-Minshull, she doesn't qualify as a 'cûnty mate'.

That won't stop you distorting and misrepresenting, as is the norm for you.


Legendary Member
So Classic is allowed to be snarky about me but I'm not allowed to return the favour? Sounds about right.

Edit: Oh look, another ex elite athlete aka 'c*nty mate' Sue Barker joins the protect women's sports team.

Another feeble attempt at distraction technique.

Classic easily pins you on your blatant dishonesty.

You try 'oh look over there, a celebrity said something about something else that I agree with'.


Deleted member 159

Labour worried about JKR influence, offered to have a meeting with her to try alleviate women's concerns of safeguarding single sex spaces.
Another feeble attempt at distraction technique.
Classic easily pins you on your blatant dishonesty.
You try 'oh look over there, a celebrity said something about something else that I agree with'. Pathetic.

Celebrity? Ex elite athlete who acknowledges male advantage, you mean. A relevant point to the thread unlike your increasingly desperate ad hominem contributions.

The police pushed them into a shop where they were trapped until further officers arrived. Does that help at all?

I wasn't there. I guess you had to miss it too as it would have clashed with visiting day for Barbie Khardashian at Limerick jail. Save the black balaclava for next time, Classic.
You were asked a very simple question as to which version of events was correct and you come up with a third version. One that combined parts of your previous versions.
It was a really simple question, raised by the different versions of events you gave. A very common practice to get the correct version. Yet you class it as being snarky. Go back and check your own responses to my posts if you want snarky.

As for wearing a balaclava in Limerick, a city where armed members of An Garda Síochána patrol the streets routinely, is likely to end up with the wearer on the floor. Wearing black with it, is likely to leave you lying in the street, with a blanket covering you.
There's a big drug problem within Limerick, two families who have thought nothing of dressing up as you suggested, before entering a pub/shop and just firing at anyone inside.
The women im these families are just as likely to be holding the gun as the men.

Barbie was held, on remand, in Limerick Women's prison until the 29th April. Now back at a known address within Limerick.

As for visiting anyone in Limerick Prison, the visiting times are
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday – 10pm-12pm and 2pm-4pm.
Should you feel like requesting to visit anyone there.

Deleted member 159



Note that they don't actually say that any men have entered their changing room.

Note also that these women didn't go to their union with their concerns. They went to a religious pressure group 'Christian Concern', who are anti-LGBT and anti-abortion.

By the way, there are 303,104 female nurses in the NHS, so that means 303,100 not saying there is a problem, and 4 saying there is.
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You were asked a very simple question as to which version of events was correct and you come up with a third version. One that combined parts of your previous versions.
God, you're ridiculous.

As for wearing a balaclava in Limerick
I meant you wouldn't need your balaclava in Brighton to go harrassing women because you'd be in Limerick, as you probably well knew. Still, hang on to it, I'm sure other opportunities will present themselves.

As for visiting anyone in Limerick Prison, the visiting times are
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday – 10pm-12pm and 2pm-4pm.
Should you feel like requesting to visit anyone there.

Good to know.
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Note that they don't actually say that any men have entered their changing room.
Yes, they did.

"The nurses say that their ‘transgender’ colleague often spends a long time walking around the female dressing room, on many occasions wearing only tight male boxer underpants, staring at and initiating conversations with female nurses as they are getting changed.

One nurse, who has experienced sexual abuse as a child, has spoken of her shock and horror when she was approached by that individual in the dressing room, having never spoken to him before, semi-naked and with genitalia visible, and asked her three times: ‘Are you not getting changed yet?’". (From link in article)

Note also that these women didn't go to their union with their concerns. They went to a religious pressure group 'Christian Concern', who are anti-LGBT and anti-abortion.
Not everyone is in a union. Legal advice and action costs a lot of money. No doubt you'd be calling them grifters if they were to organise crowd funding.

They went to HR with no response other than being told to 'broaden your mindset', then 8 months later 26 nurses signed a letter to the director of the trust.


Über Member
Note that they don't actually say that any men have entered their changing room.
'The male operating department practitioner, who openly declares that he does not take female hormones and is trying to get his girlfriend pregnant, says that he ‘identifies’ as a woman and is called ‘Rose. The nurses say that ‘Rose’ often spends a long-time walking around the female dressing room. On many occasions he wears only tight male boxer underpants, staring at and initiating conversations with female nurses as they are getting changed'

Nothing going on here, says the resident Tool

Deleted member 159

The whole trans episode is well and truly exposed.

You have men wanting access to women's private changing rooms without any form of transitioning, groups of males hurling abuse at groups of women hiding their faces, males declaring their female entering sports for women and stealing titles.

More and more people are speaking up objecting to each of these scenarios. Thank goodness abuse of children has been freely halted by UK clinics.

Trans ideology is finished
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