Gender again. Sorry!

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New Member
I work with a transgender woman (male to female), in fact I was on her interview panel.

One thing I have learned since is that she obviously has experienced prejudice in the past and have seen examples of the same from others external to our department. In one such instance someone made reference to her ‘dead name’, an expression I had come across before, and saw it both distressed and angered her.

I have had to learn proper etiquette in speaking to her and about her which was a very interesting experience but totally understandable when explained to you.

Her view point on the controversial issue of transgender athletes in sport is simple, a straight ‘no’ for M to F athletes competing in F categories.
Sorry, but how on earth is bringing current events in "cheap"? Most of what's brought up in this thread is a current event.
It has nothing to do with the topic and you known that.

The point, which is absolutely correct, is that men are the real threat to women (and society in general), far more regularly than anyone trans.
Easy non-point as there are so much more men that you can't even put that in numbers, abusing men is a minority, abusing men killing their ex and family is a minority of a minority. Trans people are a minority some of which will be abusive, some of them might even be family killing abusive but to drag it into a topic to claim men are more abusive? separate from the fact that trans persons are not in every report reported as such, so it is an comparison which even if you would have the numbers can't be made, as the numbers are inconclusive.

However whenever abusing or potentially abusing transperson are mentioned there is always one bringing in the argument whether with an actual news article or not ''but those biological males are so much worse''
Which really isn't the point, the objective that action does, is something called deflection.
It has nothing to do with the topic and you known that.

Easy non-point as there are so much more men that you can't even put that in numbers, abusing men is a minority, abusing men killing their ex and family is a minority of a minority. Trans people are a minority some of which will be abusive, some of them might even be family killing abusive but to drag it into a topic to claim men are more abusive? separate from the fact that trans persons are not in every report reported as such, so it is an comparison which even if you would have the numbers can't be made, as the numbers are inconclusive.

However whenever abusing or potentially abusing transperson are mentioned there is always one bringing in the argument whether with an actual news article or not ''but those biological males are so much worse''
Which really isn't the point, the objective that action does, is something called deflection.
I recognise this as English. However, your combination of words is entirely meaningless to me.


Legendary Member
N here.

I have been asked by monkers to respond directly to CXRAndy. I am not going to do so.

Instead I will make this point to the forum. I was abused by my mother and father for declaring myself 'not a boy' from the time I was an infant. I was told I was mentally ill by my parents. They attempted to get me that 'help'. This is the point where I took the decision to jump from a third story window. The decision was made in a time of great distress. The calculation went like this. If I die, so be it, I don't care. If I live, I might hope for a better outcome. If there is no better outcome, I'll make sure that I succeed the second time.

I was lucky, I lived, I had somewhere to go. I was fortunate I had access to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. In this way, I avoided male puberty. This was a life saving treatment that gave me hope for a future. My distress was resolved to the point that I now wanted to live.

I became dead to my parents just as they are dead to me. A couple of years ago attacks were orchestrated against me by my ever resentful mother.

Puberty blockers were a lifeline to me. The ban on puberty blockers is a state sponsored death sentence to any children who live through experiences which may be similar to my own. Without troubling myself to write an essay of my full lived experience, or attempting a full analysis of the legal position, (which anyway I feel I should not given the present legal challenge brought by the GLP), there has been a dramatic increase in the number of trans teenagers who have resorted to self-harm, dropped out of school, attempted to take their own lives, or have been successful in taking their own lives.

The legal decision may rest on whether the Atkins temporary prohibition has a lawful basis. I will just argue that if this proves to be the case, that a further case with more rigour should progress to test the ethical and moral case of condemning trans teenagers to ongoing unnecessary distress, self-harm, or suicide. As things stand, the ban is effectively a death sentence for the most distressed trans teenagers.

To some the puberty blockers ban has been a cause for celebration. The stark reality is that these people are celebrating the deaths of children who would otherwise in all likelihood be alive and have a future. I have no doubt that at some point, some person somewhere will generate a specific label for those joining in these celebrations, who will then argue that any label is an abuse and an attack on their right to freedom of expression, and portray themselves as the real victims. Time will tell.
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Elder Goth
It has nothing to do with the topic and you known that.

Easy non-point as there are so much more men that you can't even put that in numbers, abusing men is a minority, abusing men killing their ex and family is a minority of a minority. Trans people are a minority some of which will be abusive, some of them might even be family killing abusive but to drag it into a topic to claim men are more abusive? separate from the fact that trans persons are not in every report reported as such, so it is an comparison which even if you would have the numbers can't be made, as the numbers are inconclusive.

However whenever abusing or potentially abusing transperson are mentioned there is always one bringing in the argument whether with an actual news article or not ''but those biological males are so much worse''
Which really isn't the point, the objective that action does, is something called deflection.

It's about men abusing women. If you can't see how that's on topic, well, I'm afraid that's a you problem.


Legendary Member
N again.

A couple of key points:

Pbs are not banned for use for other conditions in cisgender children.

The CR did not advocate a total ban on the use of pbs in transgender children.

Health minister Streeting is advancing a position contrary to the Labour Party's manifesto pledge.

The long read ...

I recognise that there will be some who will deny the essential message. I feel sure we will see replies that seek to undermine this report by whatever means.

Edit. Link corrected.
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Deleted member 159

The ban on puberty blockers is a state sponsored death sentence

There hasn't been an explosion of deaths from blocking puberty blockers.

It is abuse to put a healthy human child on lifelong drugs.

Psychiatric care is needed


Legendary Member
There hasn't been an explosion of deaths from blocking puberty blockers.

It is abuse to put a healthy human child on lifelong drugs.

Psychiatric care is needed

N again

From the available information. Before the Bell decision in the High Court, there has been one reported case of the suicide of a young trans person. Since that time it is known from coroners' reports that there have been at least sixteen.

There has been a near total collapse in mental health care provision across the board in the UK. Should the Labour government endeavour to provide the fix, it will be a prolonged process. The ban on puberty blockers could be remedied in an instant. The long-awaited ban on harmful conversion therapies could be remedied in a matter of a few weeks.

A highly distressed 'human child' is not a' healthy human child'.

Puberty blockers are not 'lifelong drugs'.

What if a psychiatrist prescribed lifelong drugs to suppress brain activity to alleviate the symptoms that your child exhibits? Happy now?

It would be interesting to read your CV!
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Deleted member 159

What if you let a child discover through time that they weren't born in the wrong body and grow out of it in their twenties.

Much much better solution
1. The Cass report says there is no sound evidence that puberty blockers are of benefit to children with body dysphoria. The treatment is based on poor quality studies.


2. The claim that gender affirming treatment reduces suicide is also based on poor quality studies.


3. The government's lead on suicide, Professor Louis Appleby, has told people to stop claiming that children will kill themselves if they are prevented from changing gender.


Pushing this narrative - that children will kill themselves if they don't get puberty blockers - is reckless and irresponsible. It will induce suicidal ideation in distressed children. You are telling them there no alternative to relieve their distress: it's hormones or death.

Why do you do this? It's because you need to push the narrative that trans children really exist, not just children with normal distress about their bodies. Because if 'trans children' exist it distracts from it being just mainly adult men who want to dress like women. You're using children's distress to validate a group that consists mostly of adult men.

You've told them everybody hates them and if they don't transition they'll kill themselves.

It's abhorrent to use children's distress - which resolves itself with time in most of them - to validate adult men.
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Legendary Member
What if you let a child discover through time that they weren't born in the wrong body and grow out of it in their twenties.

Much much better solution

N again.

You think 'what if' is a solution? This is a matter of valuing your hopes above those of the child. It is not a solution. It is the quality of a 'Wetherspoon customer' reply. It is a parent's attempt to protect their own reputation rather than value the life of their child.

I'm a survivor of this syndrome.
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