Gender again. Sorry!

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I didn't say otherwise. GPs become aware of the status of their patient automatically - trans people's NHS numbers are recoded following transition.

None of that is true whether you would like it to be or not. NHS Numbers aren't magic.

If you change gender you can ask your GP to apply for you to have a new NHS number under your new identity.
At that point your GP will advise you that it's not a great idea, but if you really want to you can...

If you are a transwoman, then under your new identity you will be recorded as Male. Your gender identity will be recorded as female.
That's if the software is up to date enough to be able to do it. Otherwise your gender identity will be a written note and and alert probably.

Doctors do not care what gender you want to be. They care about what is under the hood. Are you likely to need a smear test, are you at risk of ovarian cancer etc etc. Your physical NHS treatment is based on your biology not your mental health. Medicines can be dangerous and doseages wrong if calculated for the wrong biology.

You are better off keeping your existing number and updating your details so doctors have a full picture of your medical record.
Your medical record is not a judgement. It is you, and only the people treating you are allowed to access it.


I'm suspecting you took @AuroraSaab out of context there.
Both sides should be able to speak and discuss. That's the entire point.

An exchange between one honest actor posting in good faith and one dishonest actor acting in bad faith is not a discussion.

What we have is an exchange between one person who feels she 'deserves' to have her own facts.

There is no potential for changing her mind or reaching any kind of negotiated position. People are certainly entitled to hold their own positions and to express them, but not entitled to their own facts.

The pretence should have ended long before now.

The UK accepts that the decisions regarding human rights arrangements in this country are scrutinised by the UN and the decisions made by the world court are binding. Aurora says not. Aurora is making stuff up.

The UK has acceded to the European Convention on Human Rights. The conventions are binding on the UK; the acceptance of this is found in the UK's own Human Rights Act (its very purpose). Rulings made between UK citizens and the state at the European Court are binding on the UK.

Some conventions are absolute, others are qualified. Absolute rights have preponderance over qualified rights.

The right to free from discrimination is an absolute right. The right to freedom of speech is a qualified right. Therefore the purpose of free speech is not have the ability to persecute others.

ARTICLE 14 Prohibition of discrimination The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

ARTICLE 10 Freedom of expression

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

ARTICLE 18 Limitation on use of restrictions on rights The restrictions permitted under this Convention to the said rights and freedoms shall not be applied for any purpose other than those for which they have been prescribed.

The European Court heard a case brought by Goodwin versus the UK concerning the rights of trans people. The UK lost that case and became obliged to pass the relevant legislation to ensure the rights of trans people - this case gave rise to the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

So we can forget about Auroras position of feeling that she 'deserves' different rights to other people. It is unlawful under international and domestic law to discriminate against trans people by means of blanket bans on the rights.

As I have said, it is possible for the UK to withdraw from the ECtHR. It is possible for parliament to abolish the UK Human Rights Act.

BUT ... to argue that sacrificing all human rights of all UK citizens is a very dangerous step indeed, because those truly hard won women's rights, such as the right for women to vote all go in the ash can in one go. We then must accept whatever human rights are granted under 'goodwill' by a government of proven human rights abuses.


You're saying that female prostrate cancer isn't possible. Are you qualified to make that claim. Given that a quick search says otherwise.
Do a slightly slower search and find out what the female prostate is? It's not the same organ.

The Skene's glands, which are also known as the lesser vestibular glands (homologous to the prostate glands in males), are two glands located on either side of the urethra. These glands are believed to secrete a substance to lubricate the urethra opening. This substance is also believed to act as an antimicrobial.
So very similar but not the same. I don't know if treatment is the same.


Sure. This is not entirely accurate. RAD operate an exam board and also a "college" (distance learning) which confers degrees, MAs etc as well as degrees via University of Bath.

Fair enough

Do you know what? I agree with you. I found a bit more - essentially she is performing "professionally" in the USA. Although what this actually means is that she was invited to perform with Ballet Beyond Borders cultural exchange. It seems that someone has got very overexcited and mistaken RAD for the Royal Ballet - thus concocting some propaganda.

I hold my hand up as having fallen prey to it.

The worst that can be said is that he's getting some publicity which would be denied the average cis:female ballet dancer, but as the publicity is because she is trans, it doesn't make a difference. I can't find any evidence of the claimed scholarship either. She appears to be enjoying herself although Ballet purists will point out that having a male body means that she will be unable to achieve anything like a reasonable standard as a woman and is extremely limited by the very small number of male ballet dancers who will be able to lift a 6 foot 3 inch transwoman. Still - if she is enjoying herself, then why not.

Now extrapolate this to literally any MSM report you read about trans women invading female domains.
It was a satirical comment on Aurora's attitude towards women's speech, and a handy precis of one of her standard tactics, claiming ownership of the female voice.

The difference is that I don't call women who disagree with me right wing Nazis and report their being assaulted with glee.

You've obviously forgotten the five pages you spent insisting that the majority of women were perfectly happy with transwomen sharing their spaces. When you finally produced a direct link it was a survey question on toilets where the 'happy' group consisted of a whopping 51%. You yourself were quite happy to speak for all women then.


None of that is true whether you would like it to be or not. NHS Numbers aren't magic.

If you change gender you can ask your GP to apply for you to have a new NHS number under your new identity.
At that point your GP will advise you that it's not a great idea, but if you really want to you can...

If you are a transwoman, then under your new identity you will be recorded as Male. Your gender identity will be recorded as female.
That's if the software is up to date enough to be able to do it. Otherwise your gender identity will be a written note and and alert probably.

Doctors do not care what gender you want to be. They care about what is under the hood. Are you likely to need a smear test, are you at risk of ovarian cancer etc etc. Your physical NHS treatment is based on your biology not your mental health. Medicines can be dangerous and doseages wrong if calculated for the wrong biology.

You are better off keeping your existing number and updating your details so doctors have a full picture of your medical record.
Your medical record is not a judgement. It is you, and only the people treating you are allowed to access it.

Please do stop making stuff up. You are now even inventing conversations between doctors and patients. I'm going to need a lot of convincing that you have these magical powers.


Sure. This is not entirely accurate. RAD operate an exam board and also a "college" (distance learning) which confers degrees, MAs etc as well as degrees via University of Bath.

Fair enough

Do you know what? I agree with you. I found a bit more - essentially she is performing "professionally" in the USA. Although what this actually means is that she was invited to perform with Ballet Beyond Borders cultural exchange. It seems that someone has got very overexcited and mistaken RAD for the Royal Ballet - thus concocting some propaganda.

I hold my hand up as having fallen prey to it.

The worst that can be said is that he's getting some publicity which would be denied the average cis:female ballet dancer, but as the publicity is because she is trans, it doesn't make a difference. I can't find any evidence of the claimed scholarship either. She appears to be enjoying herself although Ballet purists will point out that having a male body means that she will be unable to achieve anything like a reasonable standard as a woman and is extremely limited by the very small number of male ballet dancers who will be able to lift a 6 foot 3 inch transwoman. Still - if she is enjoying herself, then why not.

Thank you. I hadn't anticipated this response, but I appreciate it.


The difference is that I don't call women who disagree with me right wing Nazis and report their being assaulted with glee.

You've obviously forgotten the five pages you spent insisting that the majority of women were perfectly happy with transwomen sharing their spaces. When you finally produced a direct link it was a survey question on toilets where the 'happy' group consisted of a whopping 51%. You yourself were quite happy to speak for all women then.

I'm not speaking for anyone. I'm countering your bullshìt.

That survey still stands, most women are happy about sharing spaces with TW. Let's now see if you can resist your next trick of moving goalposts when your made up bullshìt is exposed. The actual majority of participants in this thread have remarked on your dissembling and dishonesty. Remember that, Aurora.

I'm not sure I've called anyone Nazis, other than the actual Nazis who were sieg heiling at Minshull's pathetic demo. I think Minshull is a bit of an incipient fascist though. She's a demagogue with a history of racism.

You're cool with that though. As long as she says the stuff you love.
Pretty uncomfortable, I'd imagine. Did it give you any insight into how women might feel when they are in a vulnerable situation and an unknown male is present?
How many there for the first time, like myself, were known to the others there. Especially if they were there with a male partner, unknown to the rest there.

I felt pissed off that a vocal minority did their best to get me removed and treatment denied. I wasn't the only man present, but the only one there for treatment.

All the examination were done in rooms with doors, not cubicles with only curtains separating them.
An exchange between one honest actor posting in good faith and one dishonest actor acting in bad faith is not a discussion.

What we have is an exchange between one person who feels she 'deserves' to have her own facts.

There is no potential for changing her mind or reaching any kind of negotiated position. People are certainly entitled to hold their own positions and to express them, but not entitled to their own facts.

Hmm. You're the most disingenuous person on this thread by a long chalk.

You constantly post links supporting things like the inclusion of males in women's sports or in prisons, and then claim you haven't said anything on those issues and you were just providing information.

I've repeatedly said I think we should make some accommodations for those with genuine dysphoria. It's actually you who has offered no compromise whatsoever and no suggestion of a way forward, other than that women simply concede everything.


Hmm. You're the most disingenuous person on this thread by a long chalk.

You constantly post links supporting things like the inclusion of males in women's sports or in prisons, and then claim you haven't said anything on those issues and you were just providing information.

I've repeatedly said I think we should make some accommodations for those with genuine dysphoria. It's actually you who has offered no compromise whatsoever and no suggestion of a way forward, other than that women simply concede everything.

You are lying again. What is it with you? You just can't stop, it's pathological. I debunked all of this bollocks already today.

If and when you make these claims you'll need to quote me, otherwise I'll just say 'bollocks, you're a proven liar'.

When I post links, they are links to the facts that show you are incorrect. None of us are expected to be correct in all things all the time, but speaking for myself, I expect people to act in good faith.

Sometime I fark up, I get called out. I then admit my error, hold up hands, get red-faced, but apologise.

So fair play to Icowden who today admitted that he'd been somewhat duped by things he'd seen in media/social media whichever it was.

When you get things wrong and are shown that you have got things wrong, you resort to lying about the person who corrects you. This is terribly bad form to do it once, but with you it is ongoing everyday.

You accuse me of 'mental gymnastics' when I provide you with links to the law, or guidance on how to understand it.

You even claimed 'mental gymnastics' when I said the UK is bound by court of the UN. While we are here, do you still dispute that? Do you still believe the likes of Glinner who says such things as that we are not, or are you prepared to believe the texts of the actual official documents?
That survey still stands, most women are happy about sharing spaces with TW. Let's now see if you can resist your next trick of moving goalposts when your made up bullshìt is exposed.
'Most women are happy sharing spaces with transwomen' is a bit of a stretch based on 51% replying to a single question about toilets. There you are speaking for women again... doing just what you accuse me of lol.

The actual majority of participants in this thread have remarked on your dissembling and dishonesty. Remember that, Aurora.

The actual majority have remarked on it? I think this is your toilet Maths at work again. But here you are again speaking for everybody else on the thread and doing what you accuse me of.
I'm not sure I've called anyone Nazis, other than the actual Nazis who were sieg heiling at Minshull's pathetic demo. I think Minshull is a bit of an incipient fascist though. She's a demagogue with a history of racism.

You're cool with that though. As long as she says the stuff you love.

You've constantly equated all gender critical feminism with KJK, and KJK with fascism, even though she is one voice amongst many. You seem to struggle to differentiate one woman from another frankly, calling Julie Bindell my colleague and KJK my friend, neither of whom align much in their approach and who have each criticised the other. Women are homogeneous, all lumped together, yet trans activists holding 'Decapitate Terf' signs are individual 'outliers'....

I'm cool with people being allowed to meet to talk about anything they like (within the law) without being intimidated or assaulted. I don't think you are though.
You are lying again. What is it with you? You just can't stop, it's pathological. I debunked all of this bollocks already today.

Lol. Every time you post a link I read it and respond with facts. You don't believe law professors, Nobel Prize winning biologists, you don't believe research done by sports scientists, or crime statistics. They must be lying too I suppose.

The vast majority of people on this thread have conceded that there is a clash of rights in some areas and that there is a need to negotiate a way forward.

You refuse to even see this and offer nothing excrpt the expectation that women should capitulate. Dozens of verbose posts and yet you have made literally zero contribution to moving the debate forward.


Lol. Every time you post a link I read it and respond with facts. You don't believe law professors, Nobel Prize winning biologists, you don't believe research done by sports scientists, or crime statistics. They must be lying too I suppose.

The vast majority of people on this thread have conceded that there is a clash of rights in some areas and that there is a need to negotiate a way forward.

You refuse to even see this and offer nothing excrpt the expectation that women should capitulate. Dozens of verbose posts and yet you have made literally zero contribution to moving the debate forward.

Quote me saying that I 'don't believe law professors or Nobel Prize winning biologists'.

Quote me saying that I 'don't believe sports scientists, or crime statistics'.

There's a decent search function here, shouldn't take you more than a few seconds.
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