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The extreme body mod community is pretty nuts, but he's obviously not mentally ill
I sincerely doubt that,just because someone is convinced he is not mentally ill doesn't make the person not mentally ill. Just as i sincerely doubt any teennager coming out as transgender now is actually transgender, i believe there is a fair share of mental health issues amongst people wanting to do extreme things.
Don't get me wrong i respect everyone's position, but i think healthcare is letting children down if they referred to a transgender clinic without proper looking into the reasons/motives etc. etc.


Who was it that said no-one would ever cut off a healthy limb(arm/leg)?
It was me, and what I said was no medical professional would ever cut off a healthy limb(arm/leg) just because a mentally ill person wanted it done.


Elder Goth
So that's 2 in the last week or so, this case and the Rachel Meade case. There's also the current case about Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. If people hold and express views that are legal to hold, regardless of what they are and however much you disagree with them, employers need to understand that you can't allow others to bully those people out of their job because if you do it's constructive dismissal.


Elder Goth
Either that, or employers need to seriously up their game when it comes to employment law about what people share on social media, especially when they're in certain roles.

Which is weirdly something I'd support, despite it being draconian.


Elder Goth
I feel that Barbie, and Margot Robbie have been unfairly snubbed, but a great showing for female directors otherwise.


Another case of women arguing between themselves about trans women, rather than a case of any trans woman having done something wrong. There was no evidence that any trans woman had caused any harm to either party. As a consequence the reputation of trans women being tarnished without fault.

Essentially this case is one woman's philosophical belief versus one other woman's right to freedom of expression. Freedom of expression lost, which is legally predictable.

This is the position I put on record in my opening post all those months ago.


Essentially this case is one woman's philosophical belief versus one other woman's right to freedom of expression. Freedom of expression lost, which is legally predictable.
How did freedom of expression lose? A woman was constructively dismissed for exercising freedom of expression. Her claim was found to be well founded.


How did freedom of expression lose? A woman was constructively dismissed for exercising freedom of expression. Her claim was found to be well founded.

Because the panel found on the precedent of Forstater that philosophical belief is protected. Saying (and to paraphrase) 'like listening to a racist uncle at the dinner table' was not protected speech.

This is predictable since philosophical belief and religious belief are absolute rights, whereas freedom of expression is a qualified (licensed or restricted) right.

The OU lose as the employer in this battle of rights between warring women - just like Forstater case.


The OU lose as the employer in this battle of rights between warring women - just like Forstater case.
And rightly so. They should never have supported the suppression of free speech and the cowardly attempt to silence someone - something you might expect in North Korea rather than the UK.


And rightly so. They should never have supported the suppression of free speech and the cowardly attempt to silence someone - something you might expect in North Korea rather than the UK.
I will disagree.

It's one thing to have a philosophical belief; it's quite another to use your position in your workplace to campaign to politicise your philosophical beliefs (other than your employer being a political party say). The OU is known to be a diverse workplace and to service a diverse community. How is it appropriate in that setting to have a member of staff setting up a political campaign against marginalised groups?
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