
Should there be a ban on breeding, selling and owning XL Bullies?

  • Maiming machines with no place in public space - ban them now.

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • It's not the dogs, it's the owners! Here's a pic of my toddler sitting on my harmless land shark.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Never mind what kind, dogs in public should be muzzled and on leads.

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • A ban sounds appealing, but it's bad law. I'll explain why and suggest alternatives below.

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • I'd like to see them banned, but I can't bring myself to back Suella Braverman.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Other (please explain).

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I'm generally a bit of a liberal live and let live type, but I've had too many run ins with out of control dogs whilst out running, riding, and them coming on farm and doing bad stuff.

I know it's the owners fault for not controlling / training them properly, but it's the dogs that do the biting / scratching / food stealing, chicken killing and terrorising of dog phobic kids and adults.

I've lost count of the time people have said "Don't worry he's just being friendly" when I've objected to being hassled by a hound .

Ones that bite, me and or my bike are clearly not 'friendly'.
It seems to be a real blind spot with dog owners.

We've put "not all men" to bed haven't we??
Haven't we.??

Can we do the same with dogs??

Cos once (or in many cases twice or thrice) bitten, will make many times shy.

Keep them on a lead, a short one preferably, train them really well - no they are not 'fur babies🙄' And keep them away from me thanks.👍🏼

.. hmmn I think there's a reason why 'terriers' are called such -
-They can be right little terrorists...


I've lost count of the time people have said "Don't worry he's just being friendly" when I've objected to being hassled by a hound .
Those people specifically should be banned from ever owning a dog.

Ones that bite, me and or my bike are clearly not 'friendly'.
I fell out with our neighbour when she explained that the reason her golden labrador was snarling and drooling at me was because she was scared of bicycle helmets. I pointed out that the blasted thing growls and snarls at everything and she should stop making excuses.

.. hmmn I think there's a reason why 'terriers' are called such -
-They can be right little terrorists...
Fun fact - it's "earth dog" (Old French: chien terrier) as they were specifically bred for hunting instinct to hunt down and kill vermin.


The defining difference is how strong the animal is. Dogs tend to be a lot stronger than many people give them credit for.

An expert on the radio said some Bully XLs can weight 17 stone.
It would be extremely difficult for any to control one of them. And impossible to control two.
An expert on the radio said some Bully XLs can weight 17 stone.
It would be extremely difficult for any to control one of them. And impossible to control two.

yes true. I was bitten by a Collie when I was about 10, it happened so quickly, like the crack of a whip, and when I recovered from the pain I had a huge bruise and bite marks. And that Coillie was probably only 4 stone. What a bigger dog could have done I shudder to think. The owners were absolutely clueless, they didn't even tell the dog off, but nothing was done becasue they were highly respected church-going types (and my Gran's neighbours)


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Not disputing this as such, but if the person with the issues had a Border Terrier instead, the outcomes would be better. Is this in danger of becoming the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' of the UK?

Tell you what, if I can carry a gun then you can have whatever dog you like.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I think all dog owners should need a license before owning one. This should trigger an inpsection, so dogs could be taken away from owners who are found not to be training them or keeping them well enough. The dog would probably be put down. Anyone caught with a dog, who doesn't have a license, would have dog put down and owner receives heavy fine. Anyone who's dog kills someone or puts them in hospital gets lifetime ban, and dog put down. I'd suggest some small identifier/badge to be worn by the dog on its collar so it's easier to enforce.

It sounds very harsh (and I am a dog lover) but there is such a blatant disregard for safety in the dog owning world, nothing is ever going to change without drastic measures. There must also be a massive deterrent for those who want to get a dog, but have no interest/skill in how to train it properly.

Me and my partner have a dog, and we'd have no problem displaying some form of ID on it's collar. We also don't take it to places where we think it will be unhappy or a danger to anything else. Even though he's 12, and small, and only ever licks strangers with their consent, it has to be one rule for all.

Aren't all dogs meant to be micro-chipped now?

As with so many things, ENFORCEMENT of existing rules would help.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Re: the Braverman angle, IIRC she said she was going to 'take advice on banning them' which no matter your opinion on this matter is an arse about face way to make policy. Decide what outcome you want and then select some experts and evidence which back up your decision.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Aren't all dogs meant to be micro-chipped now?

As with so many things, ENFORCEMENT of existing rules would help.

Who will enforce it? Who will decide priorities?

The police will be too busy following up every crime, as dictated by Suella Braverman.

It will not be done by everyone concerned just working that bit more effectively.
Dog owner here. My dogs make me a better human than I would otherwise be. You can pry them from my cold dead hands.

I’m all for promoting responsible ownership but I fear there is no official appetite or money for doing so. I can’t see how licensing and testing could be self financing without being discriminatory towards the poor annd elderly.

I don’t have a solution other than, as with other sometimes harmful aspects of life, trying hard to not be part of the problem myself.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Dog lovers can be weird, you just have to see two owners of the same breed gushing over them on the park.

I loved the dogs I had as a kid, but we used to let them come and go like cats and I have never had a dog since I was an adult because I could not bear to see them cooped up while I was at work and did not want to spend the money on kennels when we were on holiday.

It may well be that part of the problems with Hellhounds is the wrong owner, but it is amazing how often the wrong owner chooses them.

But then, why anyone would want any dog other than a mongrel is a mystery to me.

Not disputing this as such, but if the person with the issues had a Border Terrier instead, the outcomes would be better. Is this in danger of becoming the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' of the UK?

Yes - or rather, this seems to be exactly the situation for a number of years.
- Childers are maimed/killed;
- Moral outrage; yup, it's the same sort of dog we've been warning you about for years;
- Owners say "but RamboLOVES children*! "
- Nothing changes;

- repeat ....

What would be lost by banning them? The "treasured family members" will die at some point. Families wanting a new pupper can just choose from dozens of sensible breeds or even .... shock-horror ... a mongrel or rescue mutt.

*but could never manage a whole one HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!

Banning breeds is difficult because breeds are mutable things and, with cross-breeds of doubtful parentage, enforcement would be almost impossible. I'd be in favour of requiring leads in all public spaces and muzzles whenever dogs are off the lead, or perhaps anywhere where there are children. Those are just immediate thoughts.

The bolded bits are the statements I agree with, so far.

Didn't think I could possibly agree with so many of you at once! ;)

OMG, just read @mudsticks , post, I agree with her too, I need a lie down! ;)

In short, it should be possible for any human being (adult or child) to be in a public place, or their own home, without the fear of injury (no matter how slight) from a supposedly domestic dog. Dog Owners need to be made responsible for the consequences of owning whatever dog they own. But, without enforcement, any law or rule is totally ineffective.

PS Extending leads should be banned, or, possibly, used to lynch the owners. ;)
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Who will enforce it? Who will decide priorities?

The police will be too busy following up every crime, as dictated by Suella Braverman.

It will not be done by everyone concerned just working that bit more effectively.

I hadn't realised we were being asked for a fully costed and working proposal, but, a quick thought.... we could throw a (hefty) licensing fee into the mix, and, use the income to employ dog wardens to enforce. The inevitable cry of "what about the elderly, what about guid dogs etc" could be dealt with, if some thought was given, instead of a knee jerk crap law, as we have had so far.
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I handy realised we were being asked for a fully costed and working proposal, but, a quick thought.... we could throw a (hefty) licensing fee into the mix, and, use the income to employ dog wardens to enforce.

One in ten cars is neither taxed nor insured, and they have number plates.
My dogs make me a better human than I would otherwise be.

I can’t see how licensing and testing could be self financing without being discriminatory towards the poor
I completely understand. In my view, there would be nothing stopping responsible dog owners from owning dogs. Yes there would have to be a fee (not ideal but that's how things work). But in paying for your license and inspection, would you not feel better that everyone else has to do the same and therefore fewer bad owners out there? I expect as well that (just like TV license and heating) there could be some sort of grant or exemption for over 65's for example. But thus in life, especially in this country, you do have to discriminate against the many to ensure the compliance of the few
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