How or Why is an Octopus toy Considered Antisemitic

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Of all the reasons to get some backlash a farking Octopus, yes sure some nazi made a cartoon about it, but if we go and brand that antisemetic, we can call ''counting money'', ''having a certain type of warm coat'' and the lts can go on for very very long as antisemetic because they where associated with jews back in the day. the tldr is then also not really why did Hitler hate the jews so much but more like why did we make hating an certain group so easy that we failed to see how Hitler was exploiting his hate for them in the way we now all have witnessed.

I mean there is more they say for the fact she did not seek publicity to condemn Hamas but is no seeking publicity to blame Isreal for the results of Hamas's actions. That's something i find more concerning.


Über Member
I mean there is more they say for the fact she did not seek publicity to condemn Hamas but is no seeking publicity to blame Isreal for the results of Hamas's actions. That's something i find more concerning.
You are a complete farkwit. If you want to come back on the negativity of that statement, please justify your assertion first.
You are a complete farkwit. If you want to come back on the negativity of that statement, please justify your assertion first.
Calm down i can't help the thruth hurts, , maybe i should add a few flower emoij's in my response? for the climate? But other than that, we are in the current Crisis due too Hamas/Iran's actions so not won't justify anything about all who now come with ''save palestina'' or similar but said nothing when 1000+ innocent civilians where murdered, tortured, children and babies killed. I also understand the need for helping the palestian civilian population but the way how some are now creating drama whilst ignoring Isreal's doesn't sit well with me.
And it's not the first time, Isreal always responds very agressive but if it wasn't for the iron dome other air defence and their up until 7 october amazing border protection they would all have been killed long time ago.
That is often forgotten during earlier wars because of images of blown up buildings and such do it a bit better for the camera. Hard reality we known since 7 october is that Isreali bodies even if it are children, Babies, old persons are less important then Palestians for western media and the likes Thunberg. And the other hard reality is the whole reason why that the case because amongst their support base there are a bit more Palestine supporters.
So the reason she didn't seek publicity is pure self-interest, and/or those of her movement.

She didn’t condemn Darth Vader either. What a witch.
haha very funny added context above.
Calm down i can't help the thruth hurts, , maybe i should add a few flower emoij's in my response? for the climate? But other than that, we are in the current Crisis due too Hamas/Iran's actions so not won't justify anything about all who now come with ''save palestina'' or similar but said nothing when 1000+ innocent civilians where murdered, tortured, children and babies killed. I also understand the need for helping the palestian civilian population but the way how some are now creating drama whilst ignoring Isreal's doesn't sit well with me.

You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you in the face with a wet diaper.

Innocent civilians have been killed on both sides but your scarf of Islamophobia is tied so tightly around your neck that it has cut of the blood supply to your brain.
You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you in the face with a wet diaper.

Innocent civilians have been killed on both sides but your scarf of Islamophobia is tied so tightly around your neck that it has cut of the blood supply to your brain.
Comes from someone banging around conspiracy theories (yes i known calm down according to you it's all the zionist fault) but zero evidence. because there isn't any.
Innocent civilians have been killed on both sides yes, but Hamas started it by killing thousands of innocents. Isreal targets Hamas leaders and launch sites, that is something else.. An something else if Hamas would really stop attacking Isreal nothing would happen to them, but the as$holes keep on terrorising
Comes from someone banging around conspiracy theories (yes i known calm down according to you it's all the zionist fault) but zero evidence. because there isn't any.
Innocent civilians have been killed on both sides yes, but Hamas started it by killing thousands of innocents. Isreal targets Hamas leaders and launch sites, that is something else.. An something else if Hamas would really stop attacking Isreal nothing would happen to them, but the as$holes keep on terrorising

Zero evidence that I've said that. I've never used the word Zionist. Time to unwrap your scarf of Islamophobia.

Israel have a right to defend itself, as I've said before, but it has to be proportional as required by the Geneva Convention.

Palestinians will settle down when they're treated as human beings and not sub-human and required to live in areas that could pass for the 21st century version of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Zero evidence that I've said that. I've never used the word Zionist. Time to unwrap your scarf of Islamophobia.
i didn't say Muslims or Palestinians either but i specified Hamas, doesn't stop you from the trying grey played record of ''islamophobia'' or in other words ''i don't agree with you but lack arguments so i gonna resort to insults instead''
Israel have a right to defend itself, as I've said before, but it has to be proportional as required by the Geneva Convention.

Palestinians will settle down when they're treated as human beings and not sub-human and required to live in areas that could pass for the 21st century version of the Warsaw Ghetto.
You could argue they both started from virtually nothing in 1948 yet Palestine is on a permanent ''humantarian aid'' addiction it seems and the only goverments that seem to work are the ones that shout the hardest to destroy Isreal we saw on 7 October they meant genocide.
But compared to Palestine Isreal did pretty well, surely you can attribute some of Palestina's problems due to isreal but i feel it's unfair to blame all on Isreal.
if there are two parties fighting two parties share in the blame. In the past few years when hamas aparrently prepared for 7 october they where left alone, was dat sub-humane?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
So the originator of the antisemitism accusations is now saying that it was an experiment in twitter rage bait engagement. Might be bollocks but if true then it seems offensive to victims of the Holocaust, Jews generally, Palestinians, and autistic people, as well as damaging to Thunberg, her reputation and activism, and probably putting her in some amount of danger. So either way it's awful.
So the originator of the antisemitism accusations is now saying that it was an experiment in twitter rage bait engagement. Might be bollocks but if true then it seems offensive to victims of the Holocaust, Jews generally, Palestinians, and autistic people, as well as damaging to Thunberg, her reputation and activism, and probably putting her in some amount of danger. So either way it's awful.

Sounds like a variation on “I’ll see what the reaction is before I say whether I was joking or not.”


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis


Senior Member
Going back before the personal attacks and arguments - there was an Octopus

The problems seems to be because Greta T had an octopus toy on the sofa
and at some point someone did an anti-semitic cartoon featuring an octupus

Therefore all octopuses must be kept away from anything about the Middle East or anything connected to the people of the region

err - I have seen nothing else connecting octopuses to anti-Semitism
so are we saying that a single cartoon - allbeit clearly anti-Semitic - mean that this is now a fixed thing??

seems a bit unrealistic???

by the way - good for her for correcting it once she was aware of it
not sure I would want to spend much time with her - but I do respect her for her drive and views - mostly
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It's based on more than one cartoon. The octopus metaphor, tentacles in everything, Jews influence/control the world is a long standing antisemitic trope. It would be like having a soft toy banana on a shelf behind you whilst you talked about white people and racism. I don't think it was orchestrated but there is a long history behind these things that younger people are unaware of. She made a sincere apology by the looks of it. See also Steve Bell and his sacking from the Guardian for an alleged 'pound of flesh' cartoon last week.

(Maybe not sacking, but parting company)


Senior Member
It's based on more than one cartoon. The octopus metaphor, tentacles in everything, Jews influence/control the world is a long standing antisemitic trope. It would be like having a soft toy banana on a shelf behind you whilst you talked about white people and racism. I don't think it was orchestrated but there is a long history behind these things that younger people are unaware of. She made a sincere apology by the looks of it. See also Steve Bell and his sacking from the Guardian for an alleged 'pound of flesh' cartoon last week.

(Maybe not sacking, but parting company)

Fair enough - I wasn't aware of it - and apparently GT wasn't either
still - at least she had the grace to fix it as soon as possible
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