Together with all those who refuse to wear a rainbow band for ''religious reasons'' (was a thing in dutch football dont knon if it went international, somehow it werent the christian footballers)It's always women's responsibility to sort out male violence it seems, whether it's feminists in general or one woman in particular.
Where are the male footballers taking the knee over the death of Mahsa Amini?
If you don't see it then your part of the problem.Please show me evidence of this.
Otherwise we can call total bollix on it.
What should islamophobia be in your opinion? In my view it should not be: not naming an muslim knife wielding lunatic, defacto forbidding an movie called muhammad, teachers that want to teach history but get an angry muslim mob instead, preventing them for doing their job, of being beheaded like in France (is that the ''viva la France thing''?)
There are lot's of things that are islamophobia like for example ukip/farage/bankrupt again Robbisons who activily seek to frame everything they can find as a premeditated muslim plan to hurt/dominate whatever europe/the worlds/the local kitchen table
The problem is tat those different things are not really addressed as such, i man try to prove me wrong, all events i mentioned above are real and have really happened that way. As long as we as society accept that, off course it gonna be easyer for Iran to steer it's shadow proxy's, to maintain his iran claw on his inhabitants, in Iran itself in the UK and in the rest of Europe.
fox news (is right right? )From what I've seen its overwhelmingly the 'left wing' press reporting on all this.
I'd like to see more extensive coverage from other outlets.
Where is it?
daily fail (especially on Iran)
At your service 3 different ''news'' media often referred to as right, don't really see them ignoring it now do they?